Column information for the table: 5 Sources SNIa
Table Description: Courtois & Tully 2012 ApJ 749 174. 5 sources of SNIa distances z<0.1 normalized consistent with H0=75.9 km/s/Mpc. Amanullah et al. 2010 ApJ 716 712 (Union2); Jha et al. 2007 ApJ 659 122; Prieto et al. 2006 ApJ 647 501; Hicken et al. 2009 ApJ 700 1097 (Constitution); Folatelli et al. 2010 AJ 139 120 (CSP1)
pgc PGC number
SNIa Supernova name
l Galactic longitude
b Galactic latitude
SGL Supergalactic longitude
SGB Supergalactic latitude
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
Vcmb Velocity in CMB reference frame
z Redshift, CMB reference frame
logz Log of redshift
Ns Number of contributing sources
DM5c Distance modulus, all contributing sources, Cosmicflows-2 zero point
D5c Distance, all contributing sources, Cosmicflows-2 zero point
H5c Hubble parameter, no relativistic correction (Vcmb/D5c), all contributing sources, Cosmicflows-2 zero point
DM5u Distance modulus, all contributing sources, Union2 zero point
D5u Distance, all contributing sources, Union2 zero point
H5u Hubble parameter, no relativistic correction (Vcmb/D5c), all contributing sources, Union2 zero point
DMu Distance modulus from Union2 (Amanullah et al. 2010), Union2 zero point
eDMu Error in distance modulus from Union2
DMj Distance modulus from Jha et al. (2007), Union2 zero point
eDMj Error in distance modulus from Jha et al.
DMp Distance modulus from Prieto et al. (2006), Union2 zero point
eDMp Error in distance modulus from Prieto et al.
DMh Distance modulus from Hicken et al. (2009), Union2 zero point
DMf Distance modulus from Folatelli et al. (2010), Union2 zero point
H0 Relativistic Hubble parameter, Eq. 1 Courtois & Tully (2012), all contributing sources, Cosmicflows-2 zero point
logH0 Log relativistic Hubble parameter, all contributing sources, Cosmicflows-2 zero point
SGX Distance projected onto Supergalactic X axis
SGY Distance projected onto Supergalactic Y axis
SGZ Distance projected onto Supergalactic Z axis