Best distance estimate from Cosmic Flows 3

Individual Galaxy Info for UGC00619


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R.A. (deg)14.9529
Dec. (deg)14.7235
d25 (arcmin)0.74

Date and Time of the Query: Thu Apr 18 19:55:13 2024PDT
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Distance Results for PGC 3569

PGC 3569 is also known as PGC 003569

8 Distances found in NED

Computed Summary Statistics

NOTE: These summary statistics are provided for "quick-look" reference only;
they are based exclusively on original values, as published.
No homogenization or corrections have been applied.

PGC 3569
PGC 003569
Distance Modulus
Metric Distance
Mean 35.98 158.875
Std. Dev. 0.34 25.357
Min. 35.72 139.000
Max. 36.42 192.000
Median 35.75 141.500

Individually Referenced Moduli and Distances for PGC 3569 (as published)

(m-M) err(m-M) D(Mpc) Method REFCODE Notes SN Name Redshift H0 (km/s/Mpc) Adopted LMC modulus
35.72 139.000 Tully-Fisher 2010Ap&SS.325..163P Dipole + Quadrupole + Octopole
35.72 0.49 140.000 Tully-Fisher 2006Ap.....49..450K IR 75
35.74 141.000 Tully-Fisher 2010Ap&SS.325..163P Dipole + Quadrupole
35.75 141.000 Tully-Fisher 2010Ap&SS.325..163P Dipole
35.76 142.000 Tully-Fisher 2000BSAO...50....5K
36.32 0.36 184.000 Tully-Fisher 2009ApJS..182..474S Malmquist cor.
36.41 0.34 192.000 Tully-Fisher 2009ApJS..182..474S
36.42 0.20 192.000 Tully-Fisher 2013AJ....146...86T 74.4

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