Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
ID_2MASXJ | 2MASS Extended Source Catalog identification |
RAJ | Right ascension J2000, decimal degrees |
DEJ | Declination J2000, decimal degrees |
Glon | Galactic longitude |
Glat | Galactic latitude |
SGL | Supergalactic longitude |
SGB | Supergalactic latitude |
K_c | Ks isophotal magnitude, extinction corrected |
H_c | H isophotal magnitude, extinction corrected |
J_c | J isophotal magnitude, extinction corrected |
K_tc | Ks total magnitude, extinction corrected |
H_tc | H total magnitude, extinction corrected |
J_tc | J total magnitude, extinction corrected |
e_K | Uncertainty in K_c |
e_H | Uncertainty in H_c |
e_J | Uncertainty in J_c |
e_Kt | Uncertainty in K_tc |
e_Ht | Uncertainty in H_tc |
e_Jt | Uncertainty in J_tc |
E_bv | E(B-V) from Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) |
r_iso | Log10 of K=20 mag/sq arcsec isophotal radius in arcsec |
r_ext | Log10 of Ks total magnitude extrapolated radius in arcsec |
b/a | Axial ratio from co-added JHKs images |
Flgs | Photometry confusion flags from 2MASS XSC database. Z in first col. indicates use of 2MASS LGA magnitude |
Type | Galaxy type: ZCAT convention |
So | Source of type: JH=John Huchra, ZC=ZCAT, NN=not available |
Vhel | Heliocentric velocity |
e_V | Uncertainty in redshift when available |
C | Code for catalog providing redshift |
Bib_z | Bibliographic code for redshift source |
Name | Galaxy name used by redshift source |