Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
ID_2MASXJ | 2MASS Extended Source Catalog identification |
J2000 | Right ascension and declination J2000 |
Glon | Galactic longitude |
Glat | Galactic latitude |
SGL | Supergalactic longitude |
SGB | Supergalactic latitude |
Ag | Extinction at B band from LEDA |
Ks | Apparent Ks 20 mag/as^2 isophote magnitude adjusted for cosmological surface brightness dimming, extinction, filter redshift response, and stellar evolution, as defined by Lavaux and Hudson |
Vhel | Heliocentric velocity |
Vls | Velocity in Local Sheet rest frame |
Vcmb | Velocity in Cosmic Microwave Background frame |
eV | Error in velocity (zero if unmeasured) |
SGX | Supergalactic X: 3D distance = Vls/100 |
SGY | Supergalactic Y: 3D distance = Vls/100 |
SGZ | Supergalactic Z: 3D distance = Vls/100 |
Gp_ID | Group ID in 2M++ |
c11 | Redshift incompleteness at magnitude K2M++ <=11.25 |
c12 | Redshift incompleteness at magnitude K2M++ <=12.25. If empty then in part of sky limited to 11.25 |
F1 | Flag: 1 if fake galaxy in zone of avoidance (see 2M++) |
F2 | Flag: 1 if obtained by cloning (see 2M++) |
F3 | Flag: 1 if galaxy lies in exlusive region covered by 2MRS target mask |
F4 | Flag: 1 if galaxy lies in non-exclusive region covered by SDSS |
F5 | Flag: 1 if galaxy lies in non-exclusive region covered by 6dFGRS |