Column information for the table: 2M++
Table Description: Lavaux-Hudson catalog the that combines elements of 2MRS K<11.25 6dF and Sloan catalogs (2011MNRAS4162840)
pgc PGC number
ID_2MASXJ 2MASS Extended Source Catalog identification
J2000 Right ascension and declination J2000
Glon Galactic longitude
Glat Galactic latitude
SGL Supergalactic longitude
SGB Supergalactic latitude
Ag Extinction at B band from LEDA
Ks Apparent Ks 20 mag/as^2 isophote magnitude adjusted for cosmological surface brightness dimming, extinction, filter redshift response, and stellar evolution, as defined by Lavaux and Hudson
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
Vls Velocity in Local Sheet rest frame
Vcmb Velocity in Cosmic Microwave Background frame
eV Error in velocity (zero if unmeasured)
SGX Supergalactic X: 3D distance = Vls/100
SGY Supergalactic Y: 3D distance = Vls/100
SGZ Supergalactic Z: 3D distance = Vls/100
Gp_ID Group ID in 2M++
c11 Redshift incompleteness at magnitude K2M++ <=11.25
c12 Redshift incompleteness at magnitude K2M++ <=12.25. If empty then in part of sky limited to 11.25
F1 Flag: 1 if fake galaxy in zone of avoidance (see 2M++)
F2 Flag: 1 if obtained by cloning (see 2M++)
F3 Flag: 1 if galaxy lies in exlusive region covered by 2MRS target mask
F4 Flag: 1 if galaxy lies in non-exclusive region covered by SDSS
F5 Flag: 1 if galaxy lies in non-exclusive region covered by 6dFGRS