Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
SNIa | Supernova name |
l | Galactic longitude |
b | Galactic latitude |
SGL | Supergalactic longitude |
SGB | Supergalactic latitude |
Vhel | Heliocentric velocity |
Vcmb | Velocity in CMB reference frame |
z | Redshift, CMB reference frame |
logz | Log of redshift |
Ns | Number of contributing sources |
DM5c | Distance modulus, all contributing sources, Cosmicflows-2 zero point |
D5c | Distance, all contributing sources, Cosmicflows-2 zero point |
H5c | Hubble parameter, no relativistic correction (Vcmb/D5c), all contributing sources, Cosmicflows-2 zero point |
DM5u | Distance modulus, all contributing sources, Union2 zero point |
D5u | Distance, all contributing sources, Union2 zero point |
H5u | Hubble parameter, no relativistic correction (Vcmb/D5c), all contributing sources, Union2 zero point |
DMu | Distance modulus from Union2 (Amanullah et al. 2010), Union2 zero point |
eDMu | Error in distance modulus from Union2 |
DMj | Distance modulus from Jha et al. (2007), Union2 zero point |
eDMj | Error in distance modulus from Jha et al. |
DMp | Distance modulus from Prieto et al. (2006), Union2 zero point |
eDMp | Error in distance modulus from Prieto et al. |
DMh | Distance modulus from Hicken et al. (2009), Union2 zero point |
DMf | Distance modulus from Folatelli et al. (2010), Union2 zero point |
H0 | Relativistic Hubble parameter, Eq. 1 Courtois & Tully (2012), all contributing sources, Cosmicflows-2 zero point |
logH0 | Log relativistic Hubble parameter, all contributing sources, Cosmicflows-2 zero point |
SGX | Distance projected onto Supergalactic X axis |
SGY | Distance projected onto Supergalactic Y axis |
SGZ | Distance projected onto Supergalactic Z axis |