Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
rej | 1 if rejected in duel 6dFGSv-SDSS analysis by Said et al. 2020,MNRAS,497,1275 |
1PGC | PGC ID of dominant member of group |
Nest | Nest ID from 2MASS K<11.75 group catalog (Tully 2015) |
Name | 6dFGS catalog name |
Vcmb | Velocity of galaxy in CMB frame |
Vgp | Velocity of group in CMB frame |
D75 | Luminosity distance scaled to H0=75 |
D100 | Luminosity distance scaled to H0=100 |
feD | Fractional error in distance |
DM75 | Distance modulus, H0=75 |
DM100 | Distance modulus, H0=100 |
eDM | Uncertainty in distance modulus |
RA | Right Ascension J2000 |
DE | Declination J2000 |
Gp | 6dFGS group identification; -1 = no group identification |
M | 6dFGSv morphological type code |