Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
l | Galactic longitude |
b | Galactic latitude |
sgL | Supergalactic longitude |
sgB | Supergalactic latitude |
absB | Absolute magnitude at distance in km/s / 100 |
Diam | Intrinsic diameter in kpc at distance in km/s / 100 |
BAratio | Ratio minor to major axis diameters |
PA | Position angle on sky N through E |
T | Morphological type; see RC3 |
V_GSR | Velocity in Galactic standard of rest; see RC3 |
Dist | Distance in km/s; flow model within 3000 km/s |
sgX | SGX component of distance |
sgY | SGY component of distance |
sgZ | SGZ component of distance |
objname | Common name |
GrpID | Internal group identifier |
Filament | Internal filament identifier |
al1950 | Right Ascension (B1950) |
de1950 | Declination (B1950) |