Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
AGC | Cornell University Digital HI Archive identifier |
Glon | Galactic longitude |
Glat | Galactic latitude |
SGL | Supergalactic longitude |
SGB | Supergalactic latitude |
Name | Common name |
RAh | Right Ascension of HI source |
DEh | Declination of HI source |
RAo | Right Ascension of optical counterpart |
DEo | Declination of optical counterpart |
Vhel | Heliocentric velocity of the profile midpoint |
W_M50 | W_M50 ALFALFA velocity width |
e_W | Error in ALFA linewidth |
F | Line flux |
e_F | Uncertainty in flux |
SNR | Ratio of peak flux to rms noise |
RMS | The RMS noise per channel |
Dist | Assumed distance |
MHI | Log HI mass n solar units |
C | Quality code |
T | Morphological type code from RC3 |
D25 | Log major diameter from RC3 |
R25 | Log ratio major to minor axis from RC3 |
Bt | Blue magnitude from RC3 |
Vh | Heliocentric velocity from RC3 |
Ag | Blue magnitude extinction from RC3 |
Inc | Inclination from RC3 |