Column information for the table: Kourkchi2019 ApJ 884:82
Table Description: Table 1: Global Attenuation in Spiral Galaxies in Optical and Infrared Bands. E. Kourkchi, R.B. Tully, J.D. Neill et al. 2019, ApJ, 884, 82
pgc PGC number
Name Common name
Wmx HI linewidth
eW Uncertainty in HI linewidth
lgWmxi Log inclination corrected HI linewidth
elgWi Uncertainty in log inclination corrected HI linewidth
m21 HI 21cm magnitude; m21=-2.5log(F_HI_)+17.4
em21 Uncertainty in HI 21cm magnitude
u SDSS u band total AB magnitude; uncertainty ~0.05 mag
g SDSS g band total AB magnitude; uncertainty <0.05 mag
r SDSS r band total AB magnitude; uncertainty <0.05 mag
i SDSS i band total AB magnitude; uncertainty <0.05 mag
z SDSS z band total AB magnitude; uncertainty <0.05 mag
W1 WISE W1 (3.4 micron) band total AB magnitude; uncertainty <0.05 mag
W2 WISE W2 (4.6 micron) band total AB magnitude; uncertainty <0.05 mag
Inc Inclination angle from face-on; blank if <45 degrees
eI Uncertainty in inclination
aeW2 Half light radius in W2 band
C82 Concentration index; C82=5log(a80/a20) where a80 and a20 are semi-major axis radii enclosing 80% and 20% of total light at W2 band
b/a Axial ratio of semi-major to semi-minor axes of elliptical aperture used for photometry in W1 band
u_bka SDSS u band total AB magnitude, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuratin)
g_bka SDSS g band total AB magnitude, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuratin)
r_bka SDSS r band total AB magnitude, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuratin)
i_bka SDSS i band total AB magnitude, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuratin)
z_bka SDSS z band total AB magnitude, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuratin)
W1_bka WISE W1 band total AB magnitude, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuratin)
W2_bka Wise W2 band total AB magnitude, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuratin)