Column information for the table: Cosmicflows-3 Distances
Table Description: "Cosmicflows-3", R.B. Tully, H.M. Courtois, J.G. Sorce, 2016,AJ,152,50
pgc PGC number
Dist Luminosity distance (weighted average if more than one source)
Nd Number of distance sources
DM Luminosity distance modulus (weighted average if more than one source)
eDM 1 sigma uncertainty in distance modulus (NOTE! NOT fractional error in distance as given in CF2)
C Distance method: Cepheid Period-Luminosity relation
T Distance method: Tip of the Red Giant Branch from collaboration HST program (Jacobs et al. 2009)
L Distance method: Tip of the Red Giant Branch (literature)
M Distance method: miscellaneous (RR Lyrae, Horizontal Branch, Eclipsing Binary)
S Distance method: Surface Brightness Fluctuation
N Distance method: type Ia supernovae
H Distance method: optical (I band) spiral luminosity-rotation correlation (Tully-Fisher)
I Distance method: Spitzer [3.6] band spiral luminosity-rotation correlation (Tully-Fisher)
F Distance method: E/S0 Fundamental Plane - sources ENEAR, EFAR, SMAC
DM2 Luminosity distance modulus carried over from Cosmicflows-2.1
eD2 1 sigma uncertainty in distance modulus carried over from Cosmicflows-2.1
SNIa Supernova ID
Ns Number of separate analyses of this supernova
DMsn Luminosity distance modulus of supernova averaged over all contributions
DMsp Luminosity distance modulus determined from luminosity-rotation correlation using Spitzer [3.6] photometry
eDsp 1 sigma uncertainty in distance modulus determined from luminosity-rotation correlation using Spitzer [3.6] photometry
DM6d Luminosity distance modulus from 6dFGS (Springob et al. 2014) with CF3 zero point
eD6d 1 sigma uncertainty in distance modulus from 6dFGS (Springob et al. 2014) with CF3 zero point
Mt 6dFGS morphological type code
RAJ Right Ascension (J2000)
DeJ Declination (J2000)
Glon Galactic longitude
Glat Galactic latitude
SGL Supergalactic longitude
SGB Supergalactic latitude
Ty Morphological type; RC3 numeric code
Asf Reddening at B band from Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011,ApJ,737,103) dust maps
Btot Total B magnitude from LEDA
Ks 2MASS Ks magnitude, extinction corrected from Huchra et al. 2012 or else Lavaux-Hudson 2011
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
Vgsr Velocity in Galactic standard of rest (circular velocity at Sun of 239 km/s; total velocity 251 km/s toward l=90,b=0)
Vls Velocity in Local Sheet standard of rest (Tully et al. 2008)
Vcmb Velocity in CMB standard of rest (Fixsen et al. 1996)
Vmod Velocity in CMB standard of rest adjusted in accordance with a cosmological model with Omega_matter=0.27 and Omega_Lambda=0.73
Name Common name
Nest 2MASS "nest" group ID
Ndgp Number of galaxies with distance measures in group
DMgp Luminosity distance modulus to group; weighted average of all contributions
eDgp 1 sigma error in group distance modulus
Dgp Luminosity distance to group
Abell Abell cluster ID; ASxxx are from southern supplement list
GroupName Alternate name for group or cluster
NV Number of galaxies with positions and velocities in group
1PGC PGC ID of dominant galaxy in group
Glongp Galactic latitude of group
Glatgp Galactic longitude of group
SGLgp Supergalactic longitude of group
SGBgp Supergalactic latitude of group
lgLgp Log summed K luminosity of group, adjusted by correction factor for lost light; assumed distance is Vmgp/75
cf Luminosity selection function correction factor
sigp Projected velocity dispersion anticipated by corrected luminosity
R2t Projected second turnaround radius anticipated by corrected intrinsic luminosity; assumed distance is Vmgp/75
Vhgp Group heliocentric velocity
Vggp Group velocity in Galactic standard of rest (circular velocity at Sun of 239 km/s; total velocity 251 km/s toward l=90,b=0)
Vlsgp Group velocity in Local Sheet standard of rest (Tully et al. 2008)
Vcgp Group velocity in CMB standard of rest (Fixsen et al. 1996)
Vmgp Group velocity in CMB standard of rest adjusted in accordance with a cosmological model with Omega_matter=0.27 and Omega_Lambda=0.73
Vrms Group r.m.s. velocity dispersion
bwMass12 Group mass (x10^12) from virial theorem with bi-weight dispersion and radius parameters; assumed distance is Vmgp/75
L_Mass12 Group mass (x10^12) based on corrected intrinsic luminosity and M/L prescription; assumed distance is Vmgp/75
LDC Crook et al. (2007) low density group ID
HDC Crook et al. (2007) high density group ID
2M++ Group ID from 2MASS++ catalog of Lavaux & Hudson (2011)
MKgp Makarov & Karachentsev (2011, MNRAS 412, 2498) group ID
Icnt Internal group ID
pgc PGC number of dominant member of group
Nest Group ID from 2MASS catallog of Tully(2015)
NDg Number of galaxies with measured distances in group
DMg Group uminosity distance modulus; weighted average of group members
eDg Fractional error in distance at 1sigma level
Dg Group luminosity distance (weighted average if more than one source)
DBGc Hoffman et al. (2021) BGc model group luminosity distance
NVg Number of galaxies with measured velocities in group
Glong Galactic longitude of group
Glatg Galactic latitude of group
SGLg Supergalactic longitude of group
SGBg Supergalactic latitude of group
lgLgp Log summed K luminosity of group, adjusted by correction factor for lost light; assumed distance is Vmgp/75
cf Luminosity selection function correction factor
sigp Projected velocity dispersion anticipated by corrected luminosity
R2t Projected second turnaround radius anticipated by corrected intrinsic luminosity; assumed distance is Vmgp/75
Vhgp Group heliocentric velocity
Vggp Group velocity in Galactic standard of rest (circular velocity at Sun of 239 km/s; total velocity 251 km/s toward l=90,b=0)
Vlsgp Group velocity in Local Sheet standard of rest (Tully et al. 2008)
Vcgp Group velocity in CMB standard of rest (Fixsen et al. 1996)
fmod Cosmological correction to velocity with Omega_matter=0.27 and Omega_Lambda=0.73
VBGc Peculiar velocity given by BGc model (Hoffman et al. 2021)
Vrms Group r.m.s. velocity dispersion
bwMass12 Group mass (x10^12) from virial theorem with bi-weight dispersion and radius parameters; assumed distance is Vmgp/75
L_Mass12 Group mass (x10^12) based on corrected intrinsic luminosity and M/L prescription; assumed distance is Vmgp/75
LDC Crook et al. (2007) low density group ID
HDC Crook et al. (2007) high density group ID
2M++ Group ID from 2MASS++ catalog of Lavaux & Hudson (2011)
MKgp Makarov & Karachentsev (2011, MNRAS 412, 2498) group ID
Icnt Internal group ID
SGXg Supergalactic X distance from origin assuming distance Dg
SGYg Supergalactic Y distance from origin assuming distance Dg
SGZg Supergalactic Z distance from origin assuming distance Dg
Abell Abell cluster ID; ASxxx are from southern supplement list
GroupName Alternate name for group or cluster