Column information for the table: CF4 All Groups
Table Description: UPDATED: 2023/05/02! Cosmicflows-4 Table 3: CF4 all group averaged distances. R B Tully et al. 2023, ApJ 944:94
PGC PGC identification of brightest member of group
DM_zp Group weighted average distance modulus (w=1/sigma^2) over 5 methods (FP,TF,SBF,SNIa,SNII); arbitrary SNIa scale; revised to calibrator scale. If unavailable from 5 methods then direct calibration value given.
DM_av Group weighted average distance modulus (w=1/sigma^2) over 5 methods (FP,TF,SBF,SNIa,SNII); arbitrary SNIa scale
eDM_av Error of all measured moduli, excluding TRGB and Cepheid calibrators, derived from inverse of summed weight
Vcmb Group radial velocity in CMB frame, averaged over all galaxies in 2MASS K<11.75 group catalog by Tully (2015)
RA Right ascension J2000 in decimal degrees
DE Declination J2000
GLong Galactic longitude
GLat Galactic latitude
SGL Object supergalactic longitude
SGB Object supergalactic latitude
Nc Number of Cepheid and TRGB measures available in group
DM_cal Distance modulus averaged over Cepheid, TRGB and maser calibration values
Nsn Number of galaxies with SNIa measures in group
DM_SNIa Weighted average SNIa distance moduli (w=1/sigma^2) [excluding Walker+15]
eDM_SNIa Minimum error of all measured moduli
Nfp Number of galaxies with FP measures in group
DM_FP Group weighted average FP distance modulus (w=1/sigma^2)
eDM_FP Error of all measured moduli derived from inverse of summed weight
Ntf Number of galaxies with TF measures in group
DM_TFR Weighted average TF distance moduli (w=1/sigma^2)
eDM_TFR Minimum error of all measured moduli
Nsbfo Number of galaxies with optical SBF measures in group
DM_SBFo Group weighted average optical SBF distance modulus (w=1/sigma^2)
eDM_SBFo Error of all measured moduli derived from inverse of summed weight
Nsbfi Number of galaxies with optical SBF measures in group
DM_SBFir Group weighted average infrared SBF distance modulus (w=1/sigma^2)
eDM_SBFir Error of all measured moduli derived from inverse of summed weight
DM_SNII Group averaged SNII distance modulus
eDM_SNII Error of measured moduli