Column information for the table: CF4 All Group Velocities
Table Description: UPDATED: 2023/05/02! Cosmicflows-4 Table 4: CF4 group peculiar velocities. R B Tully et al.2023, ApJ 944:94
PGC Principal Galaxies Catalog identification of brightest member of group
DMzp Distance modulus of group averaged over all contributions; Absolute scale set by calibrator galaxies
eDM Error assigned to distance modulus
D Distance
Vhel Heliocentric radial velocity
Vls Radial velocity in Local Sheet reference frame (Tully et al. 2008)
Vcmb Radial velocity in reference frame of cosmic microwave background
fV Radial velocity in CMB frame with cosmic curvature adjustment
Vpds Peculiar velocity following Davis & Scrimgeour (2014)
Vpwf Peculiar velocity following Watkins & Feldman (2015)
Vpec Peculiar velocity wih ramp between Vpds and Vpwf
Hi Hubble parameter for individual group, H=fV/D
logH Log_10 Hi
RA Right Ascension of group, J2000
DE Declination of group, J2000
glon Galactic longitude of group
glat Galactic latitude of group
sgl Supergalactic longitude of group
sgb Supergalactic latitude of group
SGX Supergalactic cartesian X value in velocity units (Local Sheet frame), no cosmological adjustment
SGY Supergalactic cartesian Y value in velocity units (Local Sheet frame), no cosmological adjustment
SGZ Supergalactic cartesian Z value in velocity units (Local Sheet frame), no cosmological adjustment