Column information for the table: CF4 BTF-distances
Table Description: CF4: The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation Providing ~10,000 distances. E. Kourkchi et al. 2022, MNRAS, 511, 6160
pgc PGC number
flag 1:good cases, 0:outlier)
DM_av Prefered distance modulus: Average of DM_riz and DM_W1 (where both available)
DM_err Statistical uncertainty in preferred distance modulus
DM_riz Distance Modulus from the SDSS optical baryonic TF
DM_riz_err Uncertainty in distance modulus from parameters in the SDSS optical baryonic TF
DM_W1 Distance Modulus from the WISE infrared baryonic TF relation at W1-band
DM_W1_err Uncertainty in distance modulus from parameters in the WISE infrared baryonic TF relation at W1-band
DM_75 Nominal distance modulus from Hubble flow D75=Vr/75, where Vr = fg * Vlsg
1PGC PGC ID of dominant galaxy in group
Nest 2MASS group ID (Tully 2015)
logMs_av Log stellar mass, average of logMs_riz and logMs_W1
logMs_riz Log stellar mass, from the average rel'n between stellar mass and SDSS optical luminosity at r, i and z
logMs_r Log stellar mass, from the average rel'n between stellar mass and SDSS optical luminosity at r, i and z
logMs_i Log stellar mass, from the average rel'n between stellar mass and SDSS optical luminosity at r, i and z
logMs_z Log stellar mass, from the average rel'n between stellar mass and SDSS optical luminosity at r, i and z
logMs_W1 Log stellar mass, from the average rel'n between stellar mass and WISE infrared luminosity at W1
logM_gas Log gas mass, including the contribution of atomic Hydrogen and 33% Hellium
logMb Log total baryon mass, including the sellar and gas mass
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
Vls Velocity in Local Sheet reference frame (Tully et al. 2008)
v3k Radial velocity (cz) with respect to the CMB radiation
f Cosmology correction term: f=1.+0.5*(1.-q0)*z-(1./6)*(1.-q0-3.*q0**2+1.)*z**2 where q0=0.5*(0.27-2.*0.73)
lgWmxi Log linewidth approximating twice inclination corrected maximum rotation
elgWi Uncertainty in log linewidth
F21 HI line flux
e_F21 Uncertainty of HI line flux
inc Inclination from face on
einc Uncertainty in inclination from face on
g*** Chosen SDSS g-band fully corrected, including host absorption
r*** Chosen SDSS r-band fully corrected, including host absorption
i*** Chosen SDSS i-band fully corrected, including host absorption
z*** Chosen SDSS z-band fully corrected, including host absorption
w1*** Chosen WISE w1-band fully corrected, including host absorption
w2*** Chosen WISE w2-band fully corrected, including host absorption
Qs SDSS: QA quality (worst = 0 < Q < 5 = best)
Qw WISE: QA quality (worst = 0 < Q < 5 = best)
RA Right ascension J2000 in decimal hours
DE Declination J2000
GLong Galactic longitude
GLat Galactic latitude
SGL Supergalactic longitude
SGB Supergalactic latitude
Nkt Number of galaxies in KT17 group (Kourkchi & Tully, 2017, ApJ, 843, 16)
N15 Number of galaxies in T15 group (Tully, R.B. 2015, AJ, 149, 171)
SGLg Supergalactic longitude of group, average weighted by luminosity
SGBg Supergalactic latitude of group, average weighted by luminosity
Vhg average group velocity in heliocentric frame
Vlsg average group velocity in Local Sheet frame
V3kg average group velocity in CMB frame
fg Cosmology correction term on group redshift: f=1.+0.5*(1.-q0)*z-(1./6)*(1.-q0-3.*q0**2+1.)*z**2 where q0=0.5*(0.27-2.*0.73)