Column information for the table: CF4 Initial Candidates
Table Description: Ehsan Koukchi's list of potential CF4 candidates
pgc PGC number
RA Right ascension J2000
DE Declination J2000
Glon Galactic longitude
Glat Galactic latitude
SGL Supergalactic longitude
SGB Supergalactic latitude
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
Vls Velocity in Local Sheet reference frame (Tully et al. 2008)
D25 Log diameter at 25 mag/sec^2 B isophot in units of 0.1 arcmin (LEDA)
b/a Initial Axial ratio
pa Major axis position angle (North Eastwards)
T Numeric morphological type from RC3
Ty Morphological type
SS 1 = SDSS field; 0 = not SDSS
A100 1 = ALFA100; 0 = not ALFA100
QAs 1 = QA SDSS completed; 0 = no QA
QAw 1 = QA WISE completed; 0 = no QA
ebv Gal. E(B-V) (Schlegel et al. ApJ, 1998, 500, 525)
u_mag SDSS u-band asymptotic magnitude
g_mag SDSS g-band asymptotic magnitude
r_mag SDSS r-band asymptotic magnitude
i_mag SDSS i-band asymptotic magnitude
z_mag SDSS z-band asymptotic magnitude
u_Rasy SDSS u asymptotic diameter on major axis
g_Rasy SDSS g asymptotic diameter on major axis
r_Rasy SDSS r asymptotic diameter on major axis
i_Rasy SDSS i asymptotic diameter on major axis
z_Rasy SDSS z asymptotic diameter on major axis
A_u MW extinction for SDSS u-band (Yuan et al. 2013 Table 2)
A_g MW extinction for SDSS g-band (Yuan et al. 2013 Table 2)
A_r MW extinction for SDSS r-band (Yuan et al. 2013 Table 2)
A_i MW extinction for SDSS i-band (Yuan et al. 2013 Table 2)
A_z MW extinction for SDSS z-band (Yuan et al. 2013 Table 2)
Sb/a SDSS Phtometry b/a
Spa SDSS Photometry Position Angle
mu0_u SDSS u-band central surface brightness
mu0_g SDSS g-band central surface brightness
mu0_r SDSS r-band central surface brightness
mu0_i SDSS i-band central surface brightness
mu0_z SDSS z-band central surface brightness
mu50_u SDSS u-band surface brightness at half light radius (R_50%)
mu50_g SDSS g-band surface brightness at half light radius (R_50%)
mu50_r SDSS r-band surface brightness at half light radius (R_50%)
mu50_i SDSS i-band surface brightness at half light radius (R_50%)
mu50_z SDSS z-band surface brightness at half light radius (R_50%)
mu90_u SDSS u-band surface brightness at 90% light radius (R_90%)
mu90_g SDSS g-band surface brightness at 90% light radius (R_90%)
mu90_r SDSS r-band surface brightness at 90% light radius (R_90%)
mu90_i SDSS i-band surface brightness at 90% light radius (R_90%)
mu90_z SDSS z-band surface brightness at 90% light radius (R_90%)
m255_u SDSS u-band isophotal magnitude within 25.5 mag/as^2
m255_g SDSS g-band isophotal magnitude within 25.5 mag/as^2
m255_r SDSS r-band isophotal magnitude within 25.5 mag/as^2
m255_i SDSS i-band isophotal magnitude within 25.5 mag/as^2
m255_z SDSS z-band isophotal magnitude within 25.5 mag/as^2
disk_mu0_u SDSS u-band disk central surface brightness
disk_mu0_g SDSS g-band disk central surface brightness
disk_mu0_r SDSS r-band disk central surface brightness
disk_mu0_i SDSS i-band disk central surface brightness
disk_mu0_z SDSS z-band disk central surface brightness
disk_h_u SDSS u-band disk scale length
disk_h_g SDSS g-band disk scale length
disk_h_r SDSS r-band disk scale length
disk_h_i SDSS i-band disk scale length
disk_h_z SDSS z-band disk scale length
R50_u SDSS u-band half light radius (R_50%)
R50_g SDSS g-band half light radius (R_50%)
R50_r SDSS r-band half light radius (R_50%)
R50_i SDSS i-band half light radius (R_50%)
R50_z SDSS z-band half light radius (R_50%)
R90_u SDSS u-band 90% light radius (R_90%)
R90_g SDSS g-band 90% light radius (R_90%)
R90_r SDSS r-band 90% light radius (R_90%)
R90_i SDSS i-band 90% light radius (R_90%)
R90_z SDSS z-band 90% light radius (R_90%)
R255_u SDSS u-band - isophotal radius where surface brightness is 25.5 mag/as^2
R255_g SDSS g-band - isophotal radius where surface brightness is 25.5 mag/as^2
R255_r SDSS r-band - isophotal radius where surface brightness is 25.5 mag/as^2
R255_i SDSS i-band - isophotal radius where surface brightness is 25.5 mag/as^2
R255_z SDSS z-band - isophotal radius where surface brightness is 25.5 mag/as^2
C82_u SDSS u-band concentration parameter (R_20%/R_80%)
C82_g SDSS g-band concentration parameter (R_20%/R_80%)
C82_r SDSS r-band concentration parameter (R_20%/R_80%)
C82_i SDSS i-band concentration parameter (R_20%/R_80%)
C82_z SDSS z-band concentration parameter (R_20%/R_80%)
d_m_ext_u SDSS u-band small magnitude extrapolation
d_m_ext_g SDSS g-band small magnitude extrapolation
d_m_ext_r SDSS r-band small magnitude extrapolation
d_m_ext_i SDSS i-band small magnitude extrapolation
d_m_ext_z SDSS z-band small magnitude extrapolation
w1_mag WISE w1-band (3.4 microns) asymptotic magnitude
w2_mag WISE w2-band (4.6 microns) asymptotic magnitude
w1_Rasy WISE w1-band asymptotic diameter on major axis
w2_Rasy WISE w2-band asymptotic diameter on major axis
A_w1 MW extinction for WISE w1-band (Yuan et al. 2013 Table 2)
A_w2 MW extinction for WISE w2-band (Yuan et al. 2013 Table 2)
Wb/a WISE Phtometry b/a
Wpa WISE Photometry Position Angle
mu0_w1 WISE w1-band central surface brightness
mu0_w2 WISE w2-band central surface brightness
mu50_w1 WISE w1-band surface brightness at half light radius (R_50%)
mu50_w2 WISE w2-band surface brightness at half light radius (R_50%)
mu90_w1 WISE w1-band surface brightness at 90% light radius (R_90%)
mu90_w2 WISE w2-band surface brightness at 90% light radius (R_90%)
m255_w1 WISE w1-band isophotal magnitude within 25.5 mag/as^2
m255_w2 WISE w2-band isophotal magnitude within 25.5 mag/as^2
disk_mu0_w1 WISE w1-band disk central surface brightness
disk_mu0_w2 WISE w2-band disk central surface brightness
disk_h_w1 WISE w1-band disk scale length
disk_h_w2 WISE w2-band disk scale length
R50_w1 WISE w1-band half light radius (R_50%)
R50_w2 WISE w2-band half light radius (R_50%)
R90_w1 WISE w1-band 90% light radius (R_90%)
R90_w2 WISE w2-band 90% light radius (R_90%)
R255_w1 WISE w1-band - isophotal radius where surface brightness is 25.5 mag/as^2
R255_w2 WISE w2-band - isophotal radius where surface brightness is 25.5 mag/as^2
C82_w1 WISE w1-band concentration parameter (R_20%/R_80%)
C82_w2 WISE w2-band concentration parameter (R_20%/R_80%)
d_m_ext_w1 WISE w1-band small magnitude extrapolation
d_m_ext_w2 WISE w2-band small magnitude extrapolation
Qs SDSS: QA quality (worst = 0 < Q < 5 = best)
Qw WISE: QA quality (worst = 0 < Q < 5 = best)
D Flag: Disturbed
L Flag: Trail or Tail
F Flag: Face on
N Flag: Faint
C Flag: Crowded field
O Flag: Over Masked
V Flag: Small Field of View
M Flag: Multiple
B Flag: Close to Bright Star
U Flag: Uncertain
Note QA notes
inc Inclination
inc_e uncertainty on Inclination
inc_flag Inclination flag: 0=accepted 1=rejected
inc_n Inclination: the number of accepted measurements
Note_inc Inclination notes