Column information for the table: All CF4 SNIa Samples
Table Description: Cosmicflows-4: Table 2, column 6; All CF4 adjusted SNIa distances
PGC PGC identification of brightest member of group
Nest Tully (2015) "nest" group ID
N Number of galaxies with SNIa distances in group
DMzp Group averaged distance modulus on absolute scale set by calibrators
DM Group averaged distance modulus
eDM Error of measured moduli
rms RMS scatter in moduli if more than one contribution
StDv Standarf deviation of scatter in moduli if more than one contribution
Ng Number of galaxies identified with group (Kourkchi-Tully17 if V<3500 or Tully15 otherwise)
gVcmb Radial velocity of group with respect to the CMB radiation
gSGL Supergalactic longitude of group
gSGB Supergalactic latitude of group
pgc PGC number
SNIa SNIa name; multiple SN ID separated by /
IDT17g Group ID in Tempel 2017 SDSS group catalog
1PGC PGC identification of brightest member of group
Vcmb Radial velocity (cz) with respect to the CMB radiation
Vmod Velocity in CMB frame; cosmological adjustment described in CF2 data paper
DM_zp Weighted average distance modulus shifted to absolute scale set by calibrators
DM_av Weighted average distance moduli (w=1/sigma^2) [excluding Walker+15]
eDM Minimum error of all measured moduli
DM_pantheonplus SNIa distance moduli in Scolnic Pantheonplus20
eDM_pantheonplus rms dispersion of the Pantheonplus20 distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature)
DM_scolnic distance moduli in Scolnic SNIa 3 Tables on the Pantheonplus20 scales
eDM_scolnic rms dispersion of the Scolnic 3 Tables distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature)
DM_csp1 distance moduli in CSP1 Burns18 (Burns+2018,ApJ,869:56) on the Pantheonplus20 scales
eDM_csp1 rms dispersion of the CSP1 Burns18 distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature)
DM_ganesh distance moduli in LOSS Ganeshalingam13 (Ganeshalingam+2013,MNRAS,433,2240) on the Pantheonplus20 scales
eDM_ganesh rms dispersion of the LOSS Ganeshalingam13 distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature)
DM_rest Rest+ (2014,ApJ,795:44) distance moduli in All CF3 SNIa on the Pantheonplus20 scales
eDM_rest rms dispersion of the Rest+ distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature)
DM_amanullah Union2 (Amanullah et. 2010,ApJ,716,712) distance moduli in All CF3 SNIa on the Pantheonplus20 scales
eDM_amanullah rms dispersion of the Union2 distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature)
DM_jha Jha et al. (2007,ApJ,659,122) distance moduli in All CF3 SNIa on the Pantheonplus20 scales
eDM_jha rms dispersion of the Jha's distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature)
DM_prieto Prieto et al. (2006,ApJ,647,501) distance moduli in All CF3 SNIa on the Pantheonplus20 scales
eDM_prieto rms dispersion of the Prieto's distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature)
DM_hicken Hicken et al. (2009,ApJ,700,109) distance moduli in All CF3 SNIa on the Pantheonplus20 scales
eDM_hicken rms dispersion of the Hicken's distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature)
DM_folatelli Folatelli et al. (2010,AJ,139,120) distance moduli in All CF3 SNIa on the Pantheonplus20 scales
eDM_folatelli rms dispersion of the Folatelli's distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature)
DM_walker Walker et al. (2015,ApJS,219:13) distance moduli on CF2 scale
eDM_walker rms dispersion of the Walker's distance measures (assumed 0.25 in all cases)
DM_stahl Stahl et al. (2021,MNRAS,505,2300) distance moduli on Stahl's scale
eDM_stahl rms dispersion of the Stahl's distance measures
DM_sh0es Pantheon+SH0ES (2021,arXiv:2112.04510) distance moduli on SH0ES scale
eDM_sh0es Error estimates for Pantheonplus+SH0ES measures of corrected peak B magnitude
DM_twins Boone et al. (2021,ApJ, 912, 21) distance moduli on scale assuming H0=75
eDM_twins Mean rms dispersion of twin sample distance measures
DM_avelino Avelino et al. (2019,ApJ, 887, 106); best of YJHK template or YJHK IRmax distance moduli on scale assuming H0=73.24
eDM_avelino Approximated rms dispersion of Avelino distance measures
RA Right Ascension of host, J2000
DE Declination of host, J2000
glon Galactic longitude of host
glat Galactic latitude of host
sgl Supergalactic longitude of host
sgb Supergalactic latitude of host