Column | Description |
PGC | PGC identification of brightest member of group |
Nest | Tully (2015) "nest" group ID |
N | Number of galaxies with SNIa distances in group |
DMzp | Group averaged distance modulus on absolute scale set by calibrators |
DM | Group averaged distance modulus |
eDM | Error of measured moduli |
rms | RMS scatter in moduli if more than one contribution |
StDv | Standarf deviation of scatter in moduli if more than one contribution |
Ng | Number of galaxies identified with group (Kourkchi-Tully17 if V<3500 or Tully15 otherwise) |
gVcmb | Radial velocity of group with respect to the CMB radiation |
gSGL | Supergalactic longitude of group |
gSGB | Supergalactic latitude of group |
pgc | PGC number |
SNIa | SNIa name; multiple SN ID separated by / |
IDT17g | Group ID in Tempel 2017 SDSS group catalog |
1PGC | PGC identification of brightest member of group |
Vcmb | Radial velocity (cz) with respect to the CMB radiation |
Vmod | Velocity in CMB frame; cosmological adjustment described in CF2 data paper |
DM_zp | Weighted average distance modulus shifted to absolute scale set by calibrators |
DM_av | Weighted average distance moduli (w=1/sigma^2) [excluding Walker+15] |
eDM | Minimum error of all measured moduli |
DM_pantheonplus | SNIa distance moduli in Scolnic Pantheonplus20 |
eDM_pantheonplus | rms dispersion of the Pantheonplus20 distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature) |
DM_scolnic | distance moduli in Scolnic SNIa 3 Tables on the Pantheonplus20 scales |
eDM_scolnic | rms dispersion of the Scolnic 3 Tables distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature) |
DM_csp1 | distance moduli in CSP1 Burns18 (Burns+2018,ApJ,869:56) on the Pantheonplus20 scales |
eDM_csp1 | rms dispersion of the CSP1 Burns18 distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature) |
DM_ganesh | distance moduli in LOSS Ganeshalingam13 (Ganeshalingam+2013,MNRAS,433,2240) on the Pantheonplus20 scales |
eDM_ganesh | rms dispersion of the LOSS Ganeshalingam13 distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature) |
DM_rest | Rest+ (2014,ApJ,795:44) distance moduli in All CF3 SNIa on the Pantheonplus20 scales |
eDM_rest | rms dispersion of the Rest+ distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature) |
DM_amanullah | Union2 (Amanullah et. 2010,ApJ,716,712) distance moduli in All CF3 SNIa on the Pantheonplus20 scales |
eDM_amanullah | rms dispersion of the Union2 distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature) |
DM_jha | Jha et al. (2007,ApJ,659,122) distance moduli in All CF3 SNIa on the Pantheonplus20 scales |
eDM_jha | rms dispersion of the Jha's distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature) |
DM_prieto | Prieto et al. (2006,ApJ,647,501) distance moduli in All CF3 SNIa on the Pantheonplus20 scales |
eDM_prieto | rms dispersion of the Prieto's distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature) |
DM_hicken | Hicken et al. (2009,ApJ,700,109) distance moduli in All CF3 SNIa on the Pantheonplus20 scales |
eDM_hicken | rms dispersion of the Hicken's distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature) |
DM_folatelli | Folatelli et al. (2010,AJ,139,120) distance moduli in All CF3 SNIa on the Pantheonplus20 scales |
eDM_folatelli | rms dispersion of the Folatelli's distance measures (adding 0.15 mag in quadrature) |
DM_walker | Walker et al. (2015,ApJS,219:13) distance moduli on CF2 scale |
eDM_walker | rms dispersion of the Walker's distance measures (assumed 0.25 in all cases) |
DM_stahl | Stahl et al. (2021,MNRAS,505,2300) distance moduli on Stahl's scale |
eDM_stahl | rms dispersion of the Stahl's distance measures |
DM_sh0es | Pantheon+SH0ES (2021,arXiv:2112.04510) distance moduli on SH0ES scale |
eDM_sh0es | Error estimates for Pantheonplus+SH0ES measures of corrected peak B magnitude |
DM_twins | Boone et al. (2021,ApJ, 912, 21) distance moduli on scale assuming H0=75 |
eDM_twins | Mean rms dispersion of twin sample distance measures |
DM_avelino | Avelino et al. (2019,ApJ, 887, 106); best of YJHK template or YJHK IRmax distance moduli on scale assuming H0=73.24 |
eDM_avelino | Approximated rms dispersion of Avelino distance measures |
RA | Right Ascension of host, J2000 |
DE | Declination of host, J2000 |
glon | Galactic longitude of host |
glat | Galactic latitude of host |
sgl | Supergalactic longitude of host |
sgb | Supergalactic latitude of host |