Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
DMbest | Best distance moduli (either DM or DM_W1, priority goes to optical moduli) |
eDMstat | Statistical uncertainty in DMbest (smoothed in eDMbest bins); reject if blank |
eDMbest | Uncertainty in DMbest (either the median of [eDMr, eDMi, eDMz] or eDM_W1) |
1PGC | PGC ID of dominant member of group |
Nest | Group (nest) ID in 2MASS group catalog of Tully(2015) |
Vh | Heliocentric velocity |
Vls | Velocity in Local Sheet reference frame (Tully et al. 2008) |
Vcmb | Radial velocity (cz) with respect to the CMB radiation |
f | Cosmology correction term |
DMr | Distance Modulus from the r-band TFR adjusted with the (g-r) color, post corrected using the (r-z) and (g-i) colors |
eDMr | Uncertainty in Distance Modulus from the r-band TFR adjusted with the (g-r) color |
DMr_rms | Scatter of the TFR along the magnitude axis at r-band |
DMr_raw | Raw distance modulus from the calibration r-band TFR |
DMi | Distance Modulus from the i-band TFR adjusted with the (i-z) and (g-r) color |
eDMi | Uncertainty in Distance Modulus from unadjusted TFR at i-band |
DMi_rms | Scatter of the TFR along the magnitude axis at i-band |
DMi_raw | Raw distance modulus from the calibration i-band TFR |
DMz | Distance Modulus from unadjusted TFR at z-band |
eDMz | Uncertainty in Distance Modulus from unadjusted TFR at z-band |
DMz_rms | Scatter of the TFR along the magnitude axis at z-band |
DMz_raw | Raw distance modulus from the calibration z-band TFR |
DM_w1 | Distance Modulus from unadjusted TFR at W1-band adjusted with P0, LogWimx and effective surface brightness at W1-band |
eDM_w1 | Uncertainty in Distance Modulus from unadjusted TFR at W1-band |
DM_w1_rms | Scatter of the TFR along the magnitude axis at W1-band |
DM_w1_raw | Raw distance modulus from the calibration W1-band TFR |
lgWmxi | Log linewidth approximating twice inclination corrected maximum rotation |
elgWi | Uncertainty in log linewidth |
inc | Inclination from face on |
Qs | SDSS: QA quality (worst = 0 < Q < 5 = best) |
Qw | WISE: QA quality (worst = 0 < Q < 5 = best) |
g*** | Chosen SDSS g-band fully corrected, including host absorption |
r*** | Chosen SDSS r-band fully corrected, including host absorption |
i*** | Chosen SDSS i-band fully corrected, including host absorption |
z*** | Chosen SDSS z-band fully corrected, including host absorption |
w1*** | Chosen WISE w1-band fully corrected, including host absorption |
w2*** | Chosen WISE w2-band fully corrected, including host absorption |
R_so | Source of chosen reddening corrections, 0:SDSS(P1_W2p) 1:(P1_W1) 2:(P1_W2) |
P1_W2 | Principal Component P_1,W2 (predicted or measured) |
DM_so | Source of the DM_best (0:drop, 1:<riz>, 2:W1) |
RA | Right ascension J2000 in decimal hours |
DE | Declination J2000 |
GLong | Galactic longitude |
GLat | Galactic latitude |
SGL | Supergalactic longitude |
SGB | Supergalactic latitude |
Nkt | Number of galaxies in KT17 group (Kourkchi & Tully, 2017, ApJ, 843, 16) |
N15 | Number of galaxies in T15 group (Tully, R.B. 2015, AJ, 149, 171) |
SGLg | Supergalactic longitude of group, average weighted by luminosity |
SGBg | Supergalactic latitude of group, average weighted by luminosity |
Vmodg | average group velocity in CMB frame; cosmological adjustment described in CF2 data paper |