Column information for the table: CF4 TF-distances
Table Description: CF4: Cosmicflows-4: The Catalog of ~10,000 Tully-Fisher Distances. E. Kourkchi et al. 2020, ApJ, 902:145. Tables 1 and 4 combined and reformatted.
pgc PGC number
DMbest Best distance moduli (either DM or DM_W1, priority goes to optical moduli)
eDMstat Statistical uncertainty in DMbest (smoothed in eDMbest bins); reject if blank
eDMbest Uncertainty in DMbest (either the median of [eDMr, eDMi, eDMz] or eDM_W1)
1PGC PGC ID of dominant member of group
Nest Group (nest) ID in 2MASS group catalog of Tully(2015)
Vh Heliocentric velocity
Vls Velocity in Local Sheet reference frame (Tully et al. 2008)
Vcmb Radial velocity (cz) with respect to the CMB radiation
f Cosmology correction term
DMr Distance Modulus from the r-band TFR adjusted with the (g-r) color, post corrected using the (r-z) and (g-i) colors
eDMr Uncertainty in Distance Modulus from the r-band TFR adjusted with the (g-r) color
DMr_rms Scatter of the TFR along the magnitude axis at r-band
DMr_raw Raw distance modulus from the calibration r-band TFR
DMi Distance Modulus from the i-band TFR adjusted with the (i-z) and (g-r) color
eDMi Uncertainty in Distance Modulus from unadjusted TFR at i-band
DMi_rms Scatter of the TFR along the magnitude axis at i-band
DMi_raw Raw distance modulus from the calibration i-band TFR
DMz Distance Modulus from unadjusted TFR at z-band
eDMz Uncertainty in Distance Modulus from unadjusted TFR at z-band
DMz_rms Scatter of the TFR along the magnitude axis at z-band
DMz_raw Raw distance modulus from the calibration z-band TFR
DM_w1 Distance Modulus from unadjusted TFR at W1-band adjusted with P0, LogWimx and effective surface brightness at W1-band
eDM_w1 Uncertainty in Distance Modulus from unadjusted TFR at W1-band
DM_w1_rms Scatter of the TFR along the magnitude axis at W1-band
DM_w1_raw Raw distance modulus from the calibration W1-band TFR
lgWmxi Log linewidth approximating twice inclination corrected maximum rotation
elgWi Uncertainty in log linewidth
inc Inclination from face on
Qs SDSS: QA quality (worst = 0 < Q < 5 = best)
Qw WISE: QA quality (worst = 0 < Q < 5 = best)
g*** Chosen SDSS g-band fully corrected, including host absorption
r*** Chosen SDSS r-band fully corrected, including host absorption
i*** Chosen SDSS i-band fully corrected, including host absorption
z*** Chosen SDSS z-band fully corrected, including host absorption
w1*** Chosen WISE w1-band fully corrected, including host absorption
w2*** Chosen WISE w2-band fully corrected, including host absorption
R_so Source of chosen reddening corrections, 0:SDSS(P1_W2p) 1:(P1_W1) 2:(P1_W2)
P1_W2 Principal Component P_1,W2 (predicted or measured)
DM_so Source of the DM_best (0:drop, 1:<riz>, 2:W1)
RA Right ascension J2000 in decimal hours
DE Declination J2000
GLong Galactic longitude
GLat Galactic latitude
SGL Supergalactic longitude
SGB Supergalactic latitude
Nkt Number of galaxies in KT17 group (Kourkchi & Tully, 2017, ApJ, 843, 16)
N15 Number of galaxies in T15 group (Tully, R.B. 2015, AJ, 149, 171)
SGLg Supergalactic longitude of group, average weighted by luminosity
SGBg Supergalactic latitude of group, average weighted by luminosity
Vmodg average group velocity in CMB frame; cosmological adjustment described in CF2 data paper