Column information for the table: All CF4 TRGB
Table Description: Cosmicflows-4: Table 2, column 11; compilation of trgb distances for CF4 as of 2022/08/26
pgc PGC number
1PGC PGC identification of brightest member of group
D TRGB distance; average of F814W and IR (F110W+F160W) if both available; Revised 0.977 or -0.05 in modulus from Rizzi (2007)
DMop Distance modulus measure at F814W
eDMop Uncertainty in F814W distance modulus
DMir Distance modulus measure averaged over F110W and F160W
eDMir Uncertainty in F110W+F160W distance modulus
RAJ Right Ascension (J2000)
DeJ Declination (J2000)
Glon Galactic longitude
Glat Galactic latitude
SGL Supergalactic longitude
SGB Supergalactic latitude
Ty Morphological type; RC3 numeric code
Bt Total apparent blue nagnitude from RC3 adjusted for galactic obscuration
Ks Apparent 2MASS Ks magnitude
* Asterisk if K mag estimated from B mag
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
Vls Velocity in Local Sheet frame (Tully+ 2008)
Vpec Peculiar velocity Vpec = Vls - H0d where H0=75 km/s/Mpc
Vcmb Velocity in frame of CMB
SGX Supergalactic X-axis projection
SGY Supergalactic Y-axis projection
SGZ Supergalactic Z-axis projection
Diam Holmberg major axis diameter at ~26.5 mag/as^2 in B band
gt Undetected FUV
FUV GALEX far ultraviolet magnitude
g2 Undetected Halfa
Half Apparent magnitude in Halpha line
g3 Undetected HI
HI Apparent magnitude in HI line
SB Mean surface brightness within Holmberg diameter
logLK Log absolute K luminosity, M_K(sun)=3.28
logM26 Log indicative mass within Holmberg diameter (see Updated Nearby Galaxies Catalog)
logMHI Log Hydrogen mass
Name Common name