Column information for the table: Cosmic Flows Spitzer
Table Description: Spitzer cycle 8 observations at 3.6 microns
pgc PGC number
O? Observed as of 2012.01.11: 1; not yet observed: 0
Sa Primary sample EDD catalog: 1=TF Calibrators; 2=Jha SNIa; 3=V3k MK<-21; 4=Saunders PSCz; 5=Karachentsev RFGC pec vel
Name Common name
J2000 RA and Dec, J2000
Glon Galactic Longitude
Glat Galactic Latitude
SGL Supergalactic Longitude
SGB Supergalactic Latitude
d25 Apparent diameter d25 from RC3
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
Vgsr Velocity in Galactic standard of rest (RC3)
Vls Velocity in Local Sheet standard of rest (Tully et al. 2008,ApJ,676,184)
Vcmb Velocity in Cosmic Microwave Background standard of rest (Kogut et al. 1996,ApJ,419,1)
SGX Projection onto Supergalactic X axis, velocity units, Local Sheet frame
SGY Projection onto Supergalactic Y axis, velocity units, Local Sheet frame
SGZ Projection onto Supergalactic Z axis, velocity units, Local Sheet frame
AllSa All sample memberships
G/A Ratio galaxy area within d25 to Spitzer field
F No. Spitzer fields required for coverage