Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
CHP | CHP program ID |
Name | Common name |
Use | CHP use catagory |
GpID | Tully 3000 group identification number, extended |
Clust | CHP cluster |
Vhel | Heliocentric velocity |
RA | Right Ascension; decimal deg |
De | Declination; decimal deg |
Source | CHP Spitzer source |
J2000 | RA and Dec, J2000 |
Glon | Galactic Longitude |
Glat | Galactic Latitude |
SGL | Supergalactic Longitude |
SGB | Supergalactic Latitude |
T | Morphological type from RC3 |
logd25 | log of apparent diameter d25 from RC3 (units 0.1 arcmin) |
logr25 | log of ratio major/minor axes from RC3 |
Bt | Total B magnitude from RC3 |
It | Total I magnitude from RC3 |
Ag | Galactic extinction in B band (Schlegel et al.) |
Inc | Inclination from RC3 |