Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
Icnt | Internal group ID |
2M++ | Lavaux-Hudson group ID |
Dist | Distance, CF2 scale |
DM | Distance modulus, CF2 scale |
RAJ | Right Ascension (J2000) |
DeJ | Declination (J2000) |
Glon | Galactic longitude of galaxy |
Glat | Galactic latitude of galaxy |
Ty | Morphological type |
Rt | Total R magnitude |
Ell | Mean ellipticity inside Re |
A_R | Reddening in the R band |
Vh_cl | Mean heliocentric velocity of cluster |
Vh_g | Heliocentric velocity of galaxy |
Ng | No. galaxies used in distance determination |
Clon | Galactic longitude of cluster |
Clat | Galactic latitude of cluster |
Vcl | Cluster redshift in CMB frame |
D | Bias corrected cluster distance |
ID | EFAR cluster ID |
Cluster | Cluster name |
pgc | PGC number |
GIN | EFAR galaxy identification number |
CID | EFAR cluster identification |
CAN | EFAR cluster assignment number |
Clust | Cluster name |
Gal | Galaxy name |
RA | Right Ascension J2000 |
De | Declination J2000 |
L | Galactic longitude |
B | Galactic latitude |
Ty | Morphological type |
Dn | Diameter enclosing a mean R-band SB of 20.5 mag arcsec^-2 |
e_dn | Error in Dn |
Dn20 | Diameter enclosing a mean R-band SB of 20.0 mag arcsec^-2 |
Dn1925 | Diameter enclosing a mean R-band SB of 19.25 mag arcsec^-2 |
Re | Half-luminosity radius in R band |
Re_kpc | Half-luminosity radius in R band; H0=50, q0=0.5 |
SBe | R-band surface brightness at Re |
e_SBe | Photometric zero-point error on SBe |
SBe_avg | Mean R-band surface brightness inside Re |
e_SBe_avg | Photometric zero-point error on |
mRt | Total apparent R magnitude |
e_mRt | Photometric zero-point error on mRt |
ReB | Bulge half-luminosity radius in the R band |
SB_ReB | Bulge R band surface brightness at ReB |
h | Disc scalelength in the R band |
SB0 | Disc central surface brightness in the R band |
hReB | Ratio of bulge half-luminosity radius to disc scalelength |
DB | Ratio of luminosity in disc to luminosity in bulge |
Fit | Type of fit (B=bulge, D=disc, BD=bulge+disc,else see ref |
Q | Global quality of photometric fit (1=best, 2=fair, 3=poor; see ref |
BmR | B-R color |
e_BmR | Error in B-R color |
ellip_avg | Mean ellipticity inside Re |
A_R | Reddening in the R band |
cz_cl | Cluster mean redshift (heliocentric) |
e_czcl | Error in cz_cl |
cz | Galaxy redshift (heliocentric) |
e_cz | Error in cz |
sigma | Central velocity dispersion of galaxy |
e_sig | Error in sigma |
Mgb | Mgb Lick linestrength index |
e_Mgb | Error in Mgb |
Mg2 | Mg2 Lick linestrength index |
e_Mg2 | Error in Mg2 |
Qs | Spectral quality (A=best ... E=worst; see ref |
ae | Absorption/emission flag |
logDw | Log of the Dw diameter |
SDw | Selection probability computed using Dw; see ref |
logDwDn | Log of Dw computed from Dn; see ref |
SDwDn | Selection probability computed from Dw |
icnt | Internal group identification number |
FP | [0/1] 1=in fundamental plane sample, 0=not in |
PV | [0/1] 1=in peculiar velocity sample, 0=not in |
Name | Cluster name (parenthesis = fore/background) |
Ng | No. galaxies used in distance determination |
Lc | Galactic longitude |
Bc | Galactic latitude |
Delta | Bias-corrected fundamental plane shift |
e_Del | rms uncertainty in Delta |
eps_D | Bias correction epsilon_delta subtracted from raw Delta; see ref |
czc | Cluster redshift (CMB frame) |
e_czc | rms uncertainty in cz |
D | Bias-corrected cluster distance |
e_D | rms uncertainty in D |
czD | Redshift corresponding to D |
e_czD | rms uncertainty in czD |
Vpec_cl | Peculiar velocity of the cluster |
e_Vp | rms uncertainty in V |
LH_Gp | Lavaux-Hudson group ID (2MASS++ catalog) but only if icnt unavailable |