Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
Name | Common name |
Inc | Measured inclination from face on |
eI | Uncertainty in inclination |
Vh | Heliocentric velocity from HI measurement |
Wmx | HI linewidth |
eW | Uncertainty in HI linewidth |
lgWmxi | Log inclination corrected HI linewidth |
elgWi | Uncertainty in log inclination corrected HI linewidth |
m21 | HI 21cm magnitude; m21=-2.5log(F_HI_)+17.4 |
em21 | Uncertainty in HI 21cm magnitude |
u | SDSS u band total AB magnitude |
g | SDSS g band total AB magnitude |
r | SDSS r band total AB magnitude |
i | SDSS i band total AB magnitude |
z | SDSS z band total AB magnitude |
W1 | WISE W1 (3.4 micron) band total AB magnitude |
W2 | WISE W2 (4.6 micron) band total AB magnitude |
b/aS | Axial ratio of semi-major to semi-minor axes of elliptical aperture used for photometry with SDSS images |
b/aW | Axial ratio of semi-major to semi-minor axes of elliptical aperture used for photometry with WISE images |
aeu | Half light radius in u band |
aeg | Half light radius in g band |
aer | Half light radius in r band |
aei | Half light radius in i band |
aez | Half light radius in z band |
aeW1 | Half light radius in W1 band |
aeW2 | Half light radius in W2 band |
u_bka | SDSS u band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuration) |
g_bka | SDSS g band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuration) |
r_bka | SDSS r band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuration) |
i_bka | SDSS i band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuration) |
z_bka | SDSS z band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuration) |
W1_bka | WISE W1 band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuration) |
W2_bka | Wise W2 band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, and aperture effect (not host obscuration) |
Aiu | u band dust attenuation in host |
eAu | Uncertainty in u band dust attenuation in host |
Aig | g band dust attenuation in host |
eAg | Uncertainty in g band dust attenuation in host |
Air | r band dust attenuation in host |
eAr | Uncertainty in r band dust attenuation in host |
Aii | i band dust attenuation in host |
eAi | Uncertainty in i band dust attenuation in host |
Aiz | z band dust attenuation in host |
eAz | Uncertainty in z band dust attenuation in host |
AiW1 | W1 band dust attenuation in host |
eAW1 | Uncertainty in W1 band dust attenuation in host |
AiW2 | W2 band dust attenuation in host |
eAW2 | Uncertainty in W2 band dust attenuation in host |
u_bkai | SDSS u band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa-Ai, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, aperture effect, and host obscuration |
g_bkai | SDSS g band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa-A-, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, aperture effect, and host obscuration |
r_bkai | SDSS r band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa-Ai, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, aperture effect, and host obscuration |
i_bkai | SDSS i band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa-Ai, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, aperture effect, and host obscuration |
z_bkai | SDSS z band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa-Ai, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, aperture effect, and host obscuration |
W1_bkai | WISE W1 band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa-Ai, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, aperture effect, and host obscuration |
W2_bkai | Wise W2 band total AB magnitude, mc=mtotal-Ab-Ak-Aa-Ai, corrected for Milky Way obscuration, redshift k-correction, aperture effect, and host obscuration |
pW2 | Predicted value for dust corrected W2-band magnitude |
Gu | u band host dust attenuation factor |
Gg | g band host dust attenuation factor |
Gr | r band host dust attenuation factor |
Gi | i band host dust attenuation factor |
Gz | z band host dust attenuation factor |
GW1 | W1 band host dust attenuation factor |
GW2 | W2 band host dust attenuation factor |
pGu | Predicted u band host dust attenuation factor |
pGg | Predicted g band host dust attenuation factor |
pGr | Predicted r band host dust attenuation factor |
pGi | Predicted i band host dust attenuation factor |
pGz | Predicted z band host dust attenuation factor |
pGW1 | Predicted W1 band host dust attenuation factor |
pGW2 | Predicted W2 band host dust attenuation factor |
pAu | Predicted u band extinction of host |
pAg | Predicted g band extinction of host |
pAr | Predicted r band extinction of host |
pAi | Predicted i band extinction of host |
pAz | Predicted z band extinction of host |
pAW1 | Predicted W1 band extinction of host |
pAW2 | Predicted W2 band extinction of host |
P1W2 | Principal component, calculated at W2 band, Equation 4 |
eP1W2 | Uncertainty in Principal component, calculated at W2 band |
P1pW2 | Principal component, predicted at W2 band |
P1W1 | Principal component, calculated at W1 band |
S | Quality flag, SDSS images; range best=5 to worst=0 |
W | Quality flag, WISE images; range best=5 to worst=0 |
So | Source of attenuation parameter: 0=predicted W2, 1=observed W1, 2=W2 through attenuation formulation of sect. 2.2.2 |