Column information for the table: Kourkchi-Tully Groups
Table Description: Group catalog of 15,000 galaxies within 3500 km/s (Kourkchi \& Tully, ApJ 843, 16, 2017)
PGC PGC number
Name Common name
RA Right ascension (J2000)
DE Declination (J2000)
GLong Galactic longitude
GLat Galactic latitude
SGL Supergalactic longitude
SGB Supergalactic latitude
Ty Numeric type from LEDA
B_tb Bt total magnitude from LEDA corrected by Ag, galacting obscuration
K_t Ks total magnitude, extinction corrected
lgL_K Log intrinsic K luminosity at group distance
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
Vgsr Velocity in Galactic standard of rest (van der Marel+12)
Vls Velocity in Local Sheet reference frame (Tully et al. 2008)
V3k Velocity in CMB frame (Kogut+93)
D_i Measured distance for individual galaxy
eDi Percent error in measured distance
1PGC PGC identification of brightest member of group
1PGC+ PGC identification of brightest member of association
Ng Number of group members
gGLong Galactic longitude of group, average weighted by luminosity
gGLat Galactic latitude of group, average weighted by luminosity
gSGL Supergalactic longitude of group, average weighted by luminosity
gSGB Supergalactic latitude of group, average weighted by luminosity
gK_t Summed Ks total magnitude of group
glgL_K Log intrinsic K luminosity of group at group distance
gVh Unweighted average group heliocentric velocity
gVgsr Unweighted average group velocity in Galactic standard of rest frame (van der Marel+12)
gVls Unweighted average group velocity in Local Sheet frame
gV3k Unweighted average group velocity in CMB frame (Kogut+93)
gND Number of galaxies in group with distance measures
gD Weighted average measured distance for group
geD Percent error in group distance
gsigL Projected velocity dispersion anticipated by scaling relation from intrinsic luminosity
gsigV RMS projected velocity dispersion of members; bi-weight statistics (Beers et al. 1990)
gR2t Projected second turnaround radius anticipated by scaling relation from intrinsic luminosity
gRdyn Projected virial radius from bi-weight statistics (Beers et al. 1990)
gMassL Log group mass by scaling relation from intrinsic luminosity and M/L prescription
gMassdyn Log group mass from virial theorem with bi-weight dispersion and radius parameters
SGX Supergalactic X
SGY Supergalactic Y
SGZ Supergalactic Z