Column information for the table: Hawaii Photometry
Table Description: BRI photometry obtained at Mauna Kea Observatory; H.M. Courtois R.B. Tully & P. Heraudeau 2011 MNRAS 415 1935
pgc PGC number
Name/Photom Name; select for graphic displays
Tel Telescope
Det CCD Detector
Field Field of view
Resol pixel scale
Date Observation date:
File File number in observing log
AM Air mass of observation
Filt Filter
Exp Total exposure time in seconds in Nx exposures
Nx Number of separate exposures
a27 Radius at 27 mag/sq. arcsec isophote
m_27 Magnitude at 27 mag/sq. arcsec isophote
m_tot Total asymptotic magnitude
e_m Uncertainty in total magnitude
SB0 Extrapolated exponential disk central surface brightness
alpha Exponential disk scale length
b/a Ratio of minor to major axis dimensions
e_b/a Error in ratio of minor to major axis dimensions
PA Position angle, East of North
a80 Radius on major axis containing 80% of light
SB80 Surface brightness at radius a80
ae Radius on major axis containing 50% of light: effective radius
SBe Surface brightness at effective radius ae
avSBe Average surface brightness within effective radius ae
a20 Radius on major axis containing 20% of light
SB20 Surface brightness at radius a20
avSB20 Average surface brightness within radius a20
C82 Concentration index a80/a20: ratio of radius containing 80% of light to radius containing 20% of light