Column information for the table: Constitution SNIa
Table Description: M. Hicken et al. 2009 ApJ 700 1097; Tables 1-4 combined with 4 light curve fitters.
pgc PGC number
SNIa Supernova name
zcmb Supernova redshift in CMB frame
ez Error in supernova redshift
S_Bmag SALT: Apparent B magnitude
S_eB SALT: Error in B magnitude
S_s SALT: Light curve stretch parameter
S_es SALT: Error in stretch parameter
S_c SALT: Color parameter
S_ec SALT: Error in color parameter
S_mu0 SALT: Distance modulus + 5 log H0/65
S_emu0 SALT: Error in distance modulus
S2_Bmag SALT2: Apparent B magnitude
S2_eB SALT2: Error in B magnitude
S2_s SALT2: Light curve stretch parameter
S2_es SALT2: Error in stretch parameter
S2_c SALT2: Color parameter
S2_ec SALT2: Error in color parameter
S2_mu0 SALT2: Distance modulus + 5 log H0/65
S2_emu0 SALT2: Error in distance modulus
M31_Del MLCS31: Light curve shape parameter
M31_eD MLCS31: Error in light curve shape parameter
M31_AV MLCS31: Host galaxy extinction parameter in V band
M31_eAV MLCS31: Error in extinction parameter
M31_mu0 MLCS31: Distance modulus + 5 log H0/65
M31_emu0 MLCS31: Error in distance modulus
M17_Del MLCS17: Light curve shape parameter
M17_eD MLCS17: Error in light curve shape parameter
M17_AV MLCS17: Host galaxy extinction parameter in V band
M17_eAV MLCS17: Error in extinction parameter
M17_mu0 MLCS17: Distance modulus + 5 log H0/65
M17_emu0 MLCS17: Error in distance modulus