Column information for the table: Virgo/Fornax SBF
Table Description: Blakeslee et al. 2009 ApJ 694 556 (ACS Fornax SBF survey Paper V) Tables 1 and 2 combined.
pgc PGC number
IR 1=WFC3/IR observation (Jensen et al. 2015, ApJ, 808:91)
1PGC PGC ID of dominant group member
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
Vls Velocity in Local Sheet frame (Tully et al. 2008)
J2000 Right ascension and declination, epoch 2000
glon Galactic longitude
glat Galactic latitude
sgl Supergalactic longitude
sgb Supergalactic latitude
Name Primary name in publication
g-z Mean g475-z850 color of analyzed region
e_gz Error in g475-z850 color
m_sbf Mean SBF magnitude m_z
e_msbf Error in SBF magnitude m_z
DM Distance modulus (m-M)
e_dm Error in distance modulus
dist Distance in Mpc
e_d Error in distance
Altname Alternative names