Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
IR | 1=WFC3/IR observation (Jensen et al. 2015, ApJ, 808:91) |
1PGC | PGC ID of dominant group member |
Vhel | Heliocentric velocity |
Vls | Velocity in Local Sheet frame (Tully et al. 2008) |
J2000 | Right ascension and declination, epoch 2000 |
glon | Galactic longitude |
glat | Galactic latitude |
sgl | Supergalactic longitude |
sgb | Supergalactic latitude |
Name | Primary name in publication |
g-z | Mean g475-z850 color of analyzed region |
e_gz | Error in g475-z850 color |
m_sbf | Mean SBF magnitude m_z |
e_msbf | Error in SBF magnitude m_z |
DM | Distance modulus (m-M) |
e_dm | Error in distance modulus |
dist | Distance in Mpc |
e_d | Error in distance |
Altname | Alternative names |