Column information for the table: HST IR SBF
Table Description: Cosmicflows-4: Table 2, column 9; Jensen, J.B., Blakeslee, J.P., Ma, C-P. et al. 2021,ApJS,255:21
pgc PGC number
Name Common name
1PGC PGC ID of dominant member of group
Nest Nest ID in 2MASS group catalog of Tully (2015)
DMzp Distance modulus shifted to absolute scale set by calibrators
DM Distance modulus
edm Error in distance modulus
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
Ty Morphological type code from RC3
RA_DEJ Right ascension, Declination epoch 2000
glon Galactic longitude
glat Galactic latitude
sgl Supergalactic longitude
sgb Supergalactic latitude
Ag Galactic obscuration at B band from RC3
pgc PGC number
Name Common name
DM Distance modulus (Jensen/Blakeslee)
d Distance (Jensen/Blakeslee)
sig Signal in distance measurement
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
Vls Velocity in Local Sheet reference frame (Tully 2008)
Vcmb Velocity in CMB frame
fmod Cosmological GR correction
Ty Morphological type code from RC3
RA_DEJ Right ascension, Declination epoch 2000
glon Galactic longitude
glat Galactic latitude
sgl Supergalactic longitude
sgb Supergalactic latitude
Bt Total blue magnitude from RC3
Vt Total visual magnitude from RC3
It Total I-band magnitude from RC3
Kt Total K-band magnitude from 2MASS
Ag Galactic obscuration at B band from RC3
VcmbJB Velocity in CMB frame (Jensen/Blakeslee)
VgpJB Group velocity in CMB frame (Jensen/Blakeslee)
eVJB Uncertainty in velocity (Jensen/Blakeslee)
Q1 Code 1 (Jensen/Blakeslee)
Q2 Code 2 (Jensen/Blakeslee)
H0 Hubble parameter (Jensen/Blakeslee)
eH0 Uncertainty in Hubble parameter (Jensen/Blakeslee)
SN 1 if SNIa host; 0 otherwise
DM4 Distance modulus for galaxy in CF4
eDM4 Uncertainty in distance modulus for galaxy in CF4
Vcmb4 Velocity in CMB frame for galaxy given in CF4
1PGC PGC ID of dominant member of group
Nest Nest ID in 2MASS group catalog of Tully (2015)
T17 Group ID in catalog by Tempel et al. 2017
DMg4 Distance modulus for group in CF4
eDMg4 Uncertainty in distance modulus for group in CF4
Vcmbg4 Velocity in CMB frame for group given in CF4