Column information for the table: LEDA
Table Description: LEDA database
al1950 RA 1950 (hours decimal value)
de1950 DEC 1950 (degrees decimal value)
al2000 RA 2000 (hours decimal value)
de2000 DEC 2000 (degrees decimal value)
l2 Galactic longitude
b2 Galactic latitude
sgl Galactic longitude
sgb Galactic latitude
t Morphological type code
e_t Actual error on t
logr25 log of axis ratio (major axis/minor axis)
e_logr25 log of axis ratio (major axis/minor axis)
mg2 Central Lick Mg2 index
incl Inclination between line of sight and polar axis
lambda Luminosity index
bri25 Mean surface brightness within isophote 25
vrot Maximum rotation velocity corrected for inclination
e_vrot Actual error on vrot
hic 21-cm index bt-m21c in magnitude
lc Luminosity class code
e_lc Actual error on lc
logd25 log of apparent diameter (d25 in 0.1 arcmin)
e_logd25 Actual error on logd25
pa Major axis position angle (North Eastwards)
brief Mean effective surface brightness
e_brief Actual error on brief
bt Total B-magnitude
e_bt Actual error on bt
it Total I-magnitude
e_it Actual error on it
ubt Total U-B color
bvt Total B-V color
ube Effective U-B color
bve Effective B-V color
vmaxg Apparent maximum rotation velocity of gas
e_vmaxg Actual error on vmaxg
vmaxs Apparent maximum rotation velocity of stars
e_vmaxs Actual error on vmaxs
vdis Central velocity dispersion
e_vdis Actual error on vdis
e_mg2 Actual error on mg2
m21 21-cm line flux in magnitude
e_m21 Actual error on m21
mfir Far infrared magnitude
vrad Heliocentric radial velocity (cz) from radio measurement
e_vrad Actual error on vrad
vopt Heliocentric radial velocity (cz) from optical measurement
e_vopt Actual error on vopt
v Mean Heliocentric radial velocity (cz)
e_v Actual error on v
ag Galactic extinction in B-band
ai Internal extinction due to inclination in B-band
a21 21-cm self absorption
logdc log of apparent corrected diameter (dc in 0.1 arcmin)
btc Total apparent corrected B-magnitude
itc Total apparent corrected I-magnitude
ubtc Total apparent corrected U-B color
bvtc Total apparent corrected B-V color
m21c Corrected 21-cm line flux in magnitude
vlg Radial velocity (cz) with respect to the Local Group
vgsr Radial velocity (cz) with respect to the GSR
vvir Radial velocity (cz) corrected for LG infall onto Virgo
v3k Radial velocity (cz) with respect to the CMB radiation
modz \N
mod0 \N
mabs Absolute B-band magnitude
objname Principal name
objtype Type of object (G=galaxy; S=Star ...)
type Morphological type
bar Barred galaxy (B)
ring Galaxy with ring (R)
multiple Multiple galaxy (M)
compactness Compact (C) or diffuse (D)
angclass ANGCLASS
pgc PGC number
RA2000 Right Ascension (J2000)
DEC2000 Declination (J2000)