Column information for the table: 2MASS Large Galaxy Atlas
Table Description: The 2MASS Large Galaxy Atlas. T.H. Jarrett T. Chester R. Cutri S.E. Schneider J.P.Huchra. 2003 AJ 125 525 Tables 1 and 2 combined extended to include full LGA sample from NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive with supplemental information from LEDA
pgc PGC number
LGA_Name Name in Large Galaxy Atlas
Name Name in LEDA
Ty Morphological type; RC3 numeric code
Morph RC3 Morphological type
RA+DecJ Right Ascension and Declination, epoch J2000
Glon Galactic longitude
Glat Galactic latitude
SGL Supergalactic longitude
SGB Supergalactic latitude
b/a Axis ratio measured at the 3-sigma Ks-band isophot
PA Disk position angle, east of north
r20 Ks band isophotal radius at 20 mag/arcsec^2
rKr Ks band Kron radius
rt Ks band total radius
reJ J band half-light (effective) radius
reH H band half-light (effective) radius
reK K band half-light (effective) radius
J20 J band magnitude within elliptical Ks-band 20 mag/arcsec^2 isophot
e_J20 Estimated uncertainty in J20
H20 H band magnitude within elliptical Ks-band 20 mag/arcsec^2 isophot
e_H20 Estimated uncertainty in H20
K20 Ks band magnitude within elliptical Ks-band 20 mag/arcsec^2 isophot
e_K20 Estimated uncertainty in K20
JKr Kron J-band elliptical aperture magnitude
e_JKr Estimated uncertainty in JKr
HKr Kron H-band elliptical aperture magnitude
e_HKr Estimated uncertainty in HKr
KKr Kron Ks-band elliptical aperture magnitude
e_KKr Estimated uncertainty in KKr
Jt Total J-band integrated magnitude
e_Jt Estimated uncertainty in Jt
Ht Total H-band integrated magnitude
e_Ht Estimated uncertainty in Ht
Kt Total Ks-band integrated magnitude
e_Kt Estimated uncertainty in Kt
SBeJ J band mean surface magnitude within half-light (effective) radius
SBeH H band mean surface magnitude within half-light (effective) radius
SBeK Ks band mean surface magnitude within half-light (effective) radius
J-Ks J-Ks color with magnitudes within Ks 20 mag/as^2 isophot
C_K Ks band concentration index
alphaJ J band exponential scale length
alphaH H band exponential scale length
alphaK K band exponential scale length
logD25 Log diameter (0.1 arcmin) at B isophot 25 mag/arcsec^2 from LEDA
logr25 Log major to minor axial ratio at B isophot 25 mag/arcsec^2 from LEDA
Bt Total B-band magnitude from LEDA
It Total I-band magnitude from LEDA
Vhel Heliocentric velocity from LEDA
Ag B band extinction from LEDA