Column information for the table: Lilow-Nusser CF3 Peculiar Velocities
Table Description: Reconstructed peculiar velocities for CF3 galaxies and groups from Lilow & Nusser 2021,MNRAS,507,1557
pgc PGC number
dg Luminosity distance to group from Lilow-Nusser model
edg Uncertainty in group distance from uncertainty in peculiar velocity
Name Common name
RAJ Right Ascension (J2000)
DeJ Declination (J2000)
Glon Galactic longitude
Glat Galactic latitude
SGL Supergalactic longitude
SGB Supergalactic latitude
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
Vls Velocity in Local Sheet standard of rest (Tully et al. 2008)
Vcmb Velocity in CMB standard of rest (Fixsen et al. 1996)
Vpr Peculiar velocity in line-of-sight for individual galaxy
Vpx Peculiar velocity along Galactic X axis for individual galaxy
Vpy Peculiar velocity along Galactic Y axis for individual galaxy
Vpz Peculiar velocity along Galactic Z axis for individual galaxy
Nest 2MASS "nest" group ID
1PGC PGC ID of dominant galaxy in group
Glongp Galactic latitude of group
Glatgp Galactic longitude of group
SGLgp Supergalactic longitude of group
SGBgp Supergalactic latitude of group
NV Number of galaxies with positions and velocities in group
Vgphel Heliocentric velocity of group
Vgpls Velocity of group in Local Sheet standard of rest (Tully et al. 2008)
Vgpcmb Velocity of group in CMB standard of rest (Fixsen et al. 1996)
Vpgpr Peculiar velocity in line-of-sight for galaxy group
Vpgpx Peculiar velocity along Galactic X axis for galaxy group
Vpgpy Peculiar velocity along Galactic Y axis for galaxy group
Vpgpz Peculiar velocity along Galactic Z axis for galaxy group
eV Uncertainty in peculiar velocity components
flag Flag: -1 if Local Group velocity of group negative; 1 if beyond 20,300 km/s; 0 otherwise