Column | Description |
PGC | PGC number |
IDg | Group identification number |
IDi | Catalog individual galaxy identification number |
J2000 | Right ascension and declination of galaxy; J2000 |
RA | Right ascension, decimal degrees; J2000 |
Dec | Declination, decimal degrees; J2000 |
GLong | Galactic longitude |
GLat | Galactic latitude |
SGL | Supergalactic longitude |
SGB | Supergalactic latitude |
Vcmb | Velocity in CMB frame |
Vedd | Velocity taken from Extragalactic Distance Database (see reference) |
Comp | Redshift completeness in line-of-sight (see reference) |
Klum | Log Ks-band luminosity, corrected following Lavaux & Hudson (2011) |
Mstar | Log stellar mass, from rel'n between stellar mass and Ks luminosity from EAGLE simulation |
Ng | Number of group members |
Vgp | Average group velocity in CMB frame |
Mhalo | Log halo mass |
ID1 | Catalog identification of brightest member of group |
RAg | Decimal right ascension of group, J2000 |
DEg | Decimal declination of group, J2000 |
RAgJ | Right ascension, hours, minutes seconds, J2000 |
DegJ | Declination, degrees, arc min, arc sec, J2000 |
Glongg | Galactic longitude of group |
Glatg | Galactic latitude of group |
SGLg | Supergalactic longitude of group |
SGBg | Supergalactic latitude of group |
i0 | 1, if group within region of completeness; 0, if otherwise (see reference) |
Cluster | Cluster name |