Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number of host galaxy |
SNIa | Supernova identification |
1PGC | PGC ID of dominant group member |
Nest | Nest ID in 2MASS group catalog by Tully(2015) |
RA | Right ascension J2000 |
Dec | Declination J2000 |
z3k | Redshift in CMB frame |
B | B magnitude at maximum |
eB | Error in B magnitude at maximum |
x1 | SALT2 light curve width x1 parameter |
ex1 | Error in SALT2 x1 parameter |
c | SALT2 color c parameter |
ec | Error in SALT2 c parameter |
mu | Distance modulus |
emu | Error in distance modulus |
Sample | LOSS sample |
Ref | LOSS reference code |