Column information for the table: MK Groups
Table Description: Galaxy Groups and Clouds in the Local (z=0.01) Universe. D. Makarov & I. Karachentsev 2011, MNRAS, 412, 2498 Table 1 of 1089 groups modified and appended to catalog of 10,861 individual galaxies.
pgc PGC number
GpID LEDA group number
GpName Common name of brightest galaxy in group
Name Common name of individual galaxy
EquatorialCoord J2000 Right ascension and declination of individual galaxy
Vlg Radial velocity in Local Group reference frame (Karachentsev & Makarov 1996, AJ,111, 794)
T Morphological type
Ks 2MASS Ks magnitude
GpCoord J2000 Right ascension and declination of group
NGp Number of galaxies in group
GpV Mean group radial velocity in Local Group reference frame
rmsV Standard deviation of group member velocities not corrected for measurement errors
Rh Mean harmonic radius of group with distance from mean group velocity and H0=73 km/s/Mpc
lgL Logarithm of total luminosity of group in 2MASS Ks band (M_K(sun) = 3.28 mag)
lgM Logarithm of projected mass of group following Heisler et al (1985, Eq 11)
ML Mass to light ratio
lgMc Logarithm of projected mass of group following Heisler et al (1985, Eq 11) corrected for measurement errors
MLc Mass to light ratio corrected for measurement errors
ii Logarithm of isolation inex
pgc1 PGC number of brightest galaxy in group
Name1 Common name of brightest galaxy in group
T1 Morphological type of brightest galaxy in group
Ks1 2MASS Ks magnitude of brightest galaxy in group
pgc2 PGC number of 2nd brightest galaxy in group
Name2 Common name of 2nd brightest galaxy in group
T2 Morphological type of 2nd brightest galaxy in group
Ks2 2MASS Ks magnitude of 2nd brightest galaxy in group