Column | Description |
PGC | PGC number |
GLong | Galactic longitude |
GLat | Galactic latitude |
SGL | Supergalactic longitude |
SGB | Supergalactic latitude |
Ty | Numeric type from LEDA (No type: Ty=99.) |
Vhel | Heliocentric velocity |
Vls | Velocity in Local Sheet reference frame (Tully et al. 2008) |
V3k | Velocity in CMB frame |
Vmod | Velocity in CMB frame; cosmological adjustment described in CF2 data paper |
J-H | J-H total color, extinction corrected |
J-K | J-Ks total color, extinction corrected |
K_t | Ks total magnitude, extinction corrected |
lgL_K | Log intrinsic K luminosity at group distance; d=Vgp/100 Mpc |
lgden | Log smoothed luminosity density at nearest point on 1 Mpc/h grid |
Nest | Nest ID; north 1xxxxx |
Ng | Number of group (nest) members in 2MRS K<11.75 |
1PGC | PGC identification of brightest member of group |
V3kg | Velocity of group in CMB frame (no cosmological correction) |
D_v | Distance D=Vgp/100 Mpc (with cosmological adjustment) |
DM | Distance modulus from velocity assuming H=100 km/s/Mpc |
SGLg | Supergalactic longitude of group, average weighted by luminosity |
SGBg | Supergalactic latitude of group, average weighted by luminosity |
lgLgp | Log summed K luminosity of group, adjusted by correction factor |
cf | Luminosity selection function correction factor |
sigp | Projected velocity dispersion anticipated by corrected intrinsic luminosity |
R2t | Projected second turnaround radius anticipated by corrected intrinsic luminosity |
Vgp | Unweighted average group velocity in CMB frame; cosmological adjustment described in CF2 data paper |
Vbw | Bi-weight group velocity (if Ngroup>4) in CMB frame; cosmological adjustment described in CF2 data paper |
eV | Uncertainty in bi-weight group velocity |
Sbw | Line of sight bi-weight velocity dispersion of group members; require Ng>4 |
rmsV | Line of sight velocity dispersion of group members; null for Ng=1 |
Rbw | Bi-weight projected virial radius Rij |
eR | Uncertainty in bi-weight projected virial radius Rij |
bwMass12 | Group mass (x10^12) from virial theorem with bi-weight dispersion and radius parameters |
L_Mass12 | Group mass (x10^12) based on corrected intrinsic luminosity and M/L prescription |
LDC | Crook et al. (2007) low density group ID |
HDC | Crook et al. (2007) high density group ID |
2M++ | Lavaux and Hudson (2011) group ID |
SGX | Supergalactic X (from Vmod assuming H0=100 km/s/Mpc) |
SGY | Supergalactic Y (from Vmod assuming H0=100 km/s/Mpc) |
SGZ | Supergalactic Z (from Vmod assuming H0=100 km/s/Mpc) |