Column information for the table: Dale by Courteau
Table Description: Courteau et al. (2007 ApJ 671 203) re-evaluation of data by Dale et al. (1999 AJ 118 1489)
pgc Principal Galaxies Catalog # from LEDA
cat Internal catalog number used by Courteau et al.
objname Name used by Courteau et al.
RA Right Ascension in degrees (B1950)
DEC Declination in degrees (B1950)
Dist Distance in Mpc assuming D=Vcmb/H0 with Vcmb = velocity in CMB frame and H0=70 km/s/Mpc
MI Absolute I magnitude at assumed distance corrected for Galactic absorption following Schlegel et al. 1998 and internal absorption following Tully et al. 1998
logL Total I-band luminosity assuming MsunI=4.19
e_L Error in logL including errors in magnitude, dust corrections, and distance
logW Log of optical rotation velocity measured from resolved rotation curves typically at 2.15 disk scale lengths
e_W Error in logW including errors in measured velocity and inclination
logRd Log of I-band disk scale length in kpc at assumed distance; either mark-the-disk or B/D decomposition
e_R Error in logRd assuming 15% fitting error, and uncertainties in inclination and distance
SB0 Central I-band exponential disk surface brightness corrected for geometric deprojection to face-on with SB0=SB-Clog(b/a) and C=0.5, where C=2.5 is the transparent case
e_SB Error in SB0 computed by propagating errors in logRd
VmI Global color corrected for Galactic and internal absorption. I-band CCD but V-band either CCD or from RC3
e_VI Error in color
logab Log of axial ratio (a/b) in I band
ty Morphological type code; 1st unit: RC3 code 0-10, 2nd unit: 0 nonbarred, 1 barred, 2 peculiar
CI Concentration index = r75/r25 in the I-band where r75 and r25 are the major axis radii that enclose 75% and 25% of the total (extrapolated) light
dlgWL Residual in logW at given L from the orthogonal fit of W
dlgLW Residual in logL at given W from the orthogonal fit of W
dlgRL Residual in logRd at given L from the orthogonal fit of R
dlgLR Residual in logL at given Rd from the orthogonal fit of R
dlgRW Residual in logRd at given W from the orthogonal fit of R
dlgWR Residual in logW at given Rd from the orthogonal fit of R