Column | Description |
pgc | PGC ID of host galaxy |
SNIa | Supernova identification |
DM | Distance modulus, arbitrary zero point |
Vh | Heliocentric velocity of host |
Vls | Velocity of host in Local Sheet frame (Tully et al. 2008) |
Vcmb | Velocity of host in CMB frame |
fmod | Cosmological correction LCDM model |
glon | Galactic longitude |
glat | Galactic latitude |
sgl | Supergalactic longitude |
sgb | Supergalactic latitude |
1PGC | PGC ID of dominant group member |
Nest | Nest ID in 2MASS group catalog of Tully(2015) |
Ng | Number of galaxies in 2MASS group |
Vgcmb | Velocity of 2MASS group in CMB frame |
Ty | Supernova type |
RA | J2000 Right ascension of SN |
DE | J2000 Declination of SN |
zh | Redshift of host w.r.t. Sun |
Discovery | Discovery group |
Classify | Classifying group |
Epochs | Total observations (No. in Y,J,H bands) |