Column information for the table: Peterson DEHVILS
Table Description: DEHVILS initial data release. E.R. Peterson, D.O. Jones, D. Scolnic et al. 2023, MNRAS, 522, 2478
pgc PGC ID of host galaxy
SNIa Supernova identification
DM Distance modulus, arbitrary zero point
Vh Heliocentric velocity of host
Vls Velocity of host in Local Sheet frame (Tully et al. 2008)
Vcmb Velocity of host in CMB frame
fmod Cosmological correction LCDM model
glon Galactic longitude
glat Galactic latitude
sgl Supergalactic longitude
sgb Supergalactic latitude
1PGC PGC ID of dominant group member
Nest Nest ID in 2MASS group catalog of Tully(2015)
Ng Number of galaxies in 2MASS group
Vgcmb Velocity of 2MASS group in CMB frame
Ty Supernova type
RA J2000 Right ascension of SN
DE J2000 Declination of SN
zh Redshift of host w.r.t. Sun
Discovery Discovery group
Classify Classifying group
Epochs Total observations (No. in Y,J,H bands)