Column information for the table: Homogenized Photometry
Table Description: Homogenization of BRI photometry taken from the literature.
pgc PGC number
N_BAratio Number measures of axial ratio
BAratio Average ratio of minor to major axis diameter
rms_BAratio Sigma in measured b/a values if multiple observations
N_magB Number measures of B magnitude (presently at most 1)
magBt Average B_tot (Pierce sole source)
rms_magBt Always blank presently - only 1 measure
N_magR Number measures of R magnitude (Pierce, Courteau, Willick)
magRt Average R_tot (Pierce zero-point)
rms_magRt Sigma about average R_tot if N_R>1
N_magI Number measures of I magnitude (Pierce, Mathewson, Haynes, Han, Heraudeau, Mould, Roth, Schommer, Dale, Bernstein, Bureau, Dell'Antonio)
magIt Average I_tot (Pierce/Mathewson zero-point)
rms_magIt Sigma about average I_tot if N_I>1