Column information for the table: All Digital HI
Table Description: HI linewidth parameters and profiles; new and literature sources
pgc PGC number
Name/Profile Common name; click for profiles
Vh_av Heliocentric velocity, weighted average
Wmx_av Line width approximating twice the maximum rotation, not corrected for galaxy inclination, weighted average
eW_av Weighted error in linewidth measure
N_av Number of sources contributing to averaged velocity and linewidth
Flux HI line flux averaged over sources
Source1 Source of HI information
Tel1 Telescope/receiver
Vhel1 Heliocentric velocity
Wm501 Line width at 50% of mean flux
Wcm501 Line width at 50% of mean flux corrected for redshift and spectral resolution broadening
Wmx1 Line width approximating twice the maximum rotation, not corrected for galaxy inclination; blank if error > 20 km/s
e_W1 Error in linewidth measure
SN1 Signal to noise
Flux1 HI line flux
Res1 Spectral channel resolution
Ns1 Displayed profile smoothed over Ns spectral channels
Fm501 Flux/channel at 50% of mean
Source2 Source of HI information
Tel2 Telescope/receiver
Vhel2 Heliocentric velocity
Wm502 Line width at 50% of mean flux
Wcm502 Line width at 50% of mean flux corrected for redshift and spectral resolution broadening
Wmx2 Line width approximating twice the maximum rotation, not corrected for galaxy inclination; blank if error > 20 km/s
e_W2 Error in linewidth measure
SN2 Signal to noise
Flux2 HI line flux
Res2 Spectral channel resolution
Ns2 Displayed profile smoothed over Ns spectral channels
Fm502 Flux/channel at 50% of mean
Source3 Source of HI information
Tel3 Telescope/receiver
Vhel3 Heliocentric velocity
Wm503 Line width at 50% of mean flux
Wcm503 Line width at 50% of mean flux corrected for redshift and spectral resolution broadening
Wmx3 Line width approximating twice the maximum rotation, not corrected for galaxy inclination; blank if error > 20 km/s
e_W3 Error in linewidth measure
SN3 Signal to noise
Flux3 HI line flux
Res3 Spectral channel resolution
Ns3 Displayed profile smoothed over Ns spectral channels
Fm503 Flux/channel at 50% of mean