Column information for the table: Saunders PSCz
Table Description: Subset of IRAS Point Source Catalog with redshifts (PSCz); W. Saunders et al. observed at I band by B. Mobasher or at K by Tully and Saunders
pgc PGC number
IntID Internal ID number
objname PSCz ID
objname2 Common name
objpos Coordinates B1950 epoch
l Galactic longitude
b Galactic latitude
V_CMB Velocity in microwave background rest frame
W20m 20% linewidth, source: LEDA
W20t 20% linewidth, source: Tully HI catalog
F60 IRAS 60 micron flux
SB0I Central I band exponential disk surface brightness
r0 1.086/(exponential disk scale length)
BAratio Ratio minor to major axis
Ax Ratio minor to major axis from literature
Ic Axial ratio literature reference
R225 Radius at I isophote 22.5 mag/as^2
R230 Radius at I isophote 23.0 mag/as^2
R235 Radius at I isophote 23.5 mag/as^2
I225 Isophotal I mag at 22.5 mag/as^2
I230 Isophotal I mag at 23.0 mag/as^2
I235 Isophotal I mag at 23.5 mag/as^2
It Total I mag
AgB Galactic absorption
Kobs 2.24m (mko) or 0.61m observation data
Comment Comments: p1(photometric) - p4(not photometric); c1(no fgrnd stars) - c4(bad fgnd contamination); d(dust lane)
al2000 Right Ascention (J2000)
de2000 Declination (J2000)