Column information for the table: Karachentsev Revised Flat Galaxy Catalog
Table Description: Revised Flat Galaxy Catalogue # Bull. Spec. Astrophys. Obs. 4751999
pgc PGC number
RFGC Revised Flat Galaxy Catalogue #, Bull. Spec. Astrophys. Obs. 47,5,1999
objname Original Flat Galaxy Catalog number
opgc PGC number used by Karachentsev et al. astro-ph/0305566
l Galactic longitude
b Galactic latitude
PA Position angle; north thru east
MajDiamO Major blue diameter in arcmin on POSS-I system; conv. from ESO/SERC aj: ao=0.8078aj
MinDiamO Minor blue diameter in arcmin on POSS-I system; conv. from ESO/SERC bj: bo=0.7827bj
MajDiamE Major red diameter in arcmin on POSS-I system; conv. from ESO/SERC ar: ae=0.8640ar
MinDiamE Minor red diameter in arcmin on POSS-I system; conv. from ESO/SERC br: be=0.9730br
Bt Total blue magnitude calculated by formula in ref; depends on size, type, surface br, and color index
AgB Galactic extinction in B band
morph Morphological type in RC3 system
Asym Index of asymmetry: 0=little to 2=pronounced
SB Index of surface brightness: I=high to IV=very low
Nneigh Number of neighbors with size from ao/2 to 2ao within R=10ao
Note Notes describe morph peculiarities or galaxy environment
al2000 Right Ascention (J2000)
de2000 Declination (J2000)
pgc PGC number
objname Rev Flat Gal Cat name used by Karachentsev et al. A&A 396,431,2002
MajDiamO Major axis diameter in arcmin from blue sky surveys; details RFGC
MinDiamO Minor axis diameter in arcmin from blue sky surveys; details RFGC
Bt Total blue magnitude; details RFGC
AgB Galactic absorption from Schlegel et al.
SB Blue surface brightness class: 1=high to 4=very low
Wc HI linewidth at 50% max intensity level
Vhel Heliocentric velocity
BAratioIR Minor to major axis ratio averaged over J,H,K
Radius20 Major isophotal radius in arcsec at K 20 mag/sq as
magJ20 Isophotal fiducial elliptical aperture J mag at K band r20
magH20 Isophotal fiducial elliptical aperture H mag at K band r20
magK20 Isophotal fiducial elliptical aperture K mag at K band r20
RadiusTot Extrapolated radius; roughly 4 scalelengths
magJt Total J magnitude extrapolated to roughly 4 scalelengths
magHt Total H magnitude extrapolated to roughly 4 scalelengths
magKt Total K magnitude extrapolated to roughly 4 scalelengths
RadiusKron Kron fiducial effective radius r_fe
magJkron J mag within Kron fiducial effective radius r_fe
magHkron H mag within Kron fiducial effective radius r_fe
magKkron K mag within Kron fiducial effective radius r_fe
pgc PGC number
objname RFGC name used by Karachentsev et al. astro-ph/0107058
FGC Original Flat Galaxy Cat name
objpos Right ascension and declination at epoch 2000
MajDiamO Blue major diameter in arcmin
MinDiamO Blue minor diameter in arcmin
MajDiamE Red major diameter in arcmin
MinDiamE Red minor diameter in arcmin
Wc Corrected linewidth
V3k Radial velocity in MWB rest frame
Vrmd Regression distance - dipole component of radial velocity: Vrmd=Hr-Vd where Hr is the regression distance and Vd is the dipole component of motion from a model (see ref.)
Vpec Vpec=V3k-Hr-Vd where Hr is regression distance and V Vd is dipole component (see ref.)
Ref References
al2000 Right Ascention (J2000)
de2000 Declination (J2000)