Column information for the table: SDSS Hall
Table Description: SDSS Imaging Data: M. Hall S. Courteau A.A. Dutton M. McDonald Y. Zhu 2012, MNRAS,425,2741
pgc PGC number
Dc75 Preferred galaxy luminosity distance assuming H0=75 km/s/Mpc from multiple FP fits as function of group richness
DMc75 Preferred luminosity distance modulus H0=75 km/s/Mpc from multiple FP fits as function of group richness
Dc100 Preferred galaxy luminosity distance assuming H0=100 km/s/Mpc from multiple FP fits as function of group richness
DMc100 Prefered luminosity distance modulus H0=100 km/s/Mpc from multiple FP fits as function of group richness
eDMc Uncertainty in preferred distance modulus from multiple FP fits as function of group richness
DM100 Luminosity distance modulus H0=100 km/s/Mpc from a single fit to full sample
eDM Uncertainty in distance modulus from a single fit to full sample
logDc Preferred: Mean log distance ratio from multiple FP fits as function of group richness
elogDc Standard deviation in log distance ratio, multiple FP fits
skewc Alpha parameter of skew-normal pdf, multiple FP fits
logD Mean log distance ratio from a single fit to full sample
elogD Standard deviation in log distance ratio, single fit
skew Alpha parameter of skew-normal pdf, single FP fit
czh Heliocentric velocity
eczh Error in heliocentric velocity
czcmb Velocity in CMB frame
gczcmb Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+17 group
Nest Nest ID from 2MASS group catalog of Tully 2015
1PGC PGC ID of dominant galaxy in Nest
IDt17 Group ID in Tempel+17 SDSS DR10 group catalog
Ngt17 Number of galaxies in Tempel+17 group
J2000 RA & dec J2000 in hours, min, sec, °, min, sec
Ra Right ascension J2000 in degrees
Dec Declination J2000 in degrees
glon Galactic longitude
glat Galactic latitude
sgl Supergalactic longitude
sgb Supergalactic latitude
gmag SDSS g magnitude, de Vaucouleurs fit
egmag Error on SDSS g magnitude
rmag SDSS r magnitude, de Vaucouleurs fit
ermag Error on SDSS r magnitude
rad r-band angular radius, de vaucouleurs fit
erad Error on r-band angular radius, de vaucouleurs fit
boa r-band axial ratio, de Vaucouleurs fit
eboa Error in r-band axial ratio, de Vaucouleurs fit
Exg Milky Way extinction in g band from Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011)
Exr Milky Way extinction in r band from Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011)
kcg k-correction at g band from Chilingarian 2014 using g-r colors
kcr k-correction at r band from Chilingarian 2014 using g-r colors
Mr Absolute magnitude, accounting for k-correction, evolution, and Galactic extinction
sig Velocity dispersion from Portsmouth catalog (Thomas+13)
esig Error on velocity dispersion from Portsmouth catalog (Thomas+13)
M Galaxy morphology: 0=unclear; 1=spiral; 2=elliptical (Tempel+14)
In 1: in SDSS_NYU VAGC DR7 footprint; 0: outside footprint
Bar_N Number density at galay location per (Mpc/h)^3
r r=log R_e where R_e is the intrinsic effective radius in kpc/h derived from the angular effective radius: rad
er Uncertainty in r
i i=log I_e where I_e is the mean surface brightness within the angular effective radius (see Eq 8 & 9 in Said+20) in L_sun/pc^2
ei Uncertainty in s
s s=log sigma_0 where sigma_0 is the central velocity dispersion in km/s
es Uncertainty in i
Sn Weight given galaxy in fundamental plane fit
objid SDSS objid
specid SDSS specid
plate SDSS spectroscopic plate number
pgc PGC number
Name Common name
Inc Inclination from face on; assumes edge-on thickness q0=0.13
Vcmb Velocity in CMB frame
Vrot Corrected rotational velocity from HI line width at 50% of total flux
T RC3 morphological type
Re Half-light radius based on total extrapolated i-band luminosity
R23.5 Radius at i-band 23.5 mag/arcsec^2 isophote
Rd Exponential disk scale length
m_ext Total i-band apparent magnitude extrapolated to infinity
m_23.5 Apparent magnitude within R23.5
m_2.2 Apparent magnitude within 2.2Rd of surface brightness profile; -100 for failures
mu0 Corrected central surface brightness
mue Corrected effective surface brightness
g-r Color g-r from extrapolated magnitudes
g-i Color g-i from extrapolated magnitudes
C28 Light concentration: C28 = 5log(R80/R20) where R20 and R80 enclose 20% and 80% of the extrapolated i-band light
M_HI Log neutral Hydrogen gas mass
M_star Log stellar mass from extrapolated i-band luminosity and mass-to-light prescription in Hall et al.
M_bar Log baryonic mass: M_bar = M_star + 1.4M_HI
M_tot Log total mass within R23.5
RA+DecJ Right Ascension and Declination, epoch J2000
Glon Galactic longitude
Glat Galactic latitude
SGL Supergalactic longitude
SGB Supergalactic latitude
lgD25 Log diameter at blue 25 mag/arcsec^2 from RC3
lgR25 Log major/minor axial ratio at blue 25 mag/arcsec^2 from RC3
BT Blue magnitude in RC3
IT I magnitude in RC3
Ag Galactic extinction at B band from RC3
pgc PGC number
logD Log distance ratio with respect to a fiducial distance cz/H_fiducial
elogD Error in log distance ratio
skew Log distance ratio skewness
logDc Corrected (Howlett & Said 2021) log distance ratio with respect to a fiducial distance cz/H_fiducial
elogDc Error in corrected log distance ratio
cz Velocity in CMB frame
gcz Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group
V3kg Velocity of 1PGC group in CMB frame
V3kt14 Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group
Nest Nest ID from 2MASS group catalog of Tully 2015
1PGC PGC ID of dominant galaxy in Nest
IDt14 Group ID in Tempel+14 SDSS DR10 group catalog
Ngt14 Number of galaxies in Tempel+14 group
J2000 Right ascension & declination J2000 in hours, minutes, seconds and degrees, minutes seconds
Ra Right ascension J2000 in degrees
Dec Declination J2000 in degrees
glon Galactic longitude
glat Galactic latitude
sgl Galactic longitude
sgb Galactic latitude
r r=log R_e where R_e is the intrinsic effective radius in kpc/h derived from the angular effective radius theta_0
er Uncertainty in r
s s=log sigma_0 where sigma_0 is the central velocity dispersion in km/s
es Uncertainty in s
i i=log I_e where I_e is the mean surface brightness within the angular effective radius (see Eq 8 & 9 in Said+20) in L_sun/pc^2
ei Uncertainty in i
kcor r-band k-correction from Chilingarian (2014) using g-r colors
ext r-band Galactic extinction from Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011)
rmag SDSS r magnitude
gmag SDSS g magnitude
snr Signal/noise ratio of SDSS r magnitude
In 1: in SDSS_NYU VAGC DR7 footprint; 0: outside footprint
Bar_N Number density per (Mpc/h)^3
M Galaxy morphology: 0=unclear; 1=spiral; 2=elliptical (Tempel 2014)
jrl Visual classification: 0=spiral, 1=elliptical
pel GalaxyZoo probability of being an elliptical galaxy; -1=unknown
nvot Number of GalaxyZoo votes used to determine p_el
objid SDSS objid
specid SDSS specid
pgc PGC number
logD Log distance ratio with respect to a fiducial distance cz/H_fiducial
elogD Error in log distance ratio
skew Log distance ratio skewness
logDc Corrected (Howlett & Said 2021) log distance ratio with respect to a fiducial distance cz/H_fiducial
elogDc Error in corrected log distance ratio
cz Velocity in CMB frame
gcz Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group
V3kg Velocity of 1PGC group in CMB frame
V3kt14 Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group
Nest Nest ID from 2MASS group catalog of Tully 2015
1PGC PGC ID of dominant galaxy in Nest
IDt14 Group ID in Tempel+14 SDSS DR10 group catalog
Ngt14 Number of galaxies in Tempel+14 group
J2000 RA & dec J2000 in hours, min, sec, °, min, sec
Ra Right ascension J2000 in degrees
Dec Declination J2000 in degrees
glon Galactic longitude
glat Galactic latitude
sgl Supergalactic longitude
sgb Supergalactic latitude
r r=log R_e where R_e is the intrinsic effective radius in kpc/h derived from the angular effective radius theta_0
er Uncertainty in r
s s=log sigma_0 where sigma_0 is the central velocity dispersion in km/s
es Uncertainty in s
i i=log I_e where I_e is the mean surface brightness within the angular effective radius (see Eq 8 & 9 in Said+20) in L_sun/pc^2
ei Uncertainty in i
kcor r-band k-correction from Chilingarian (2014) using g-r colors
ext r-band Galactic extinction from Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011)
rmag SDSS r magnitude
gmag SDSS g magnitude
snr Signal/noise ratio of SDSS r magnitude
In 1: in SDSS_NYU VAGC DR7 footprint; 0: outside footprint
Bar_N Number density per (Mpc/h)^3
M Galaxy morphology: 0=unclear; 1=spiral; 2=elliptical (Tempel 2014)
jrl Visual classification: 0=spiral, 1=elliptical
pel GalaxyZoo probability of being an elliptical galaxy; -1=unknown
nvot Number of GalaxyZoo votes used to determine p_el
objid SDSS objid
specid SDSS specid
pgc PGC number
Nest Nest ID from 2MASS group catalog of Tully 2015
1PGC PGC ID of dominant galaxy in Nest
V3kg Velocity of 1PGC group in CMB frame
IDt14 Group ID in Tempel+14 SDSS DR10 group catalog
Ngt14 Number of galaxies in Tempel+14 group
V3kt14 Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group
cz Velocity in CMB frame
gcz Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group
r r=log R_e where R_e is the intrinsic effective radius in kpc derived from the angular effective radius theta_0
er Uncertainty in r
s s=log sigma_0 where sigma_0 is the central velocity dispersion in km/s
es Uncertainty in s
i i=log I_e where I_e is the mean surface brightness within the angular effective radius (see Eq 8 & 9 in Said+20) in L_sun/pc^2
ei Uncertainty in i
rmag SDSS r magnitude
snr Signal/noise ratio of SDSS r magnitude
logD Log distance ratio with respect to a fiducial distance cz/H_fiducial
elogD Error in log distance ratio
skew Log distance ratio skewness
Bar_N Number density per (Mpc/h)^3
In 1: in SDSS_NYU VAGC DR7 footprint; 0: outside footprint
Ra Right ascension J2000 in degrees
Dec Declination J2000 in degrees
j2000 Right ascension and declination J2000
glon Galactic longitude
glat Galactic latitude
sgl Supergalactic longitude
sgb Supergalactic latitude
Ty RC3 numeric type code
M Galaxy morphology: 0=unclear; 1=spiral; 2=elliptical
Z Galaxy zoo morphology: 0=unclear; 1=spiral; 2=elliptical
pE Probability early type (2011A&A,525,A157)
pS0 Probability S0 (2011A&A,525,A157)
pSa Probability Sab (2011A&A,525,A157)
pSc Probability Scd (2011A&A,525,A157)
objid SDSS objid
specid SDSS specid
pgc PGC number
Nest Nest ID from 2MASS group catalog of Tully 2015
1PGC PGC ID of dominant galaxy in Nest
V3kg Velocity of 1PGC group in CMB frame
IDt14 Group ID in Tempel+14 SDSS DR10 group catalog
Ngt14 Number of galaxies in Tempel+14 group
V3kt14 Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group
r r=log R_e where R_e is the intrinsic effective radius in kpc derived from the angular effective radius theta_0
er Uncertainty in r
s s=log sigma_0 where sigma_0 is the central velocity dispersion in km/s
es Uncertainty in s
i i=log I_e where I_e is the mean surface brightness within the angular effective radius (see Eq 8 & 9 in Said+20) in L_sun/pc^2
ei Uncertainty in i
V Velocity in CMB frame given by Said+20
j2000 Right ascension and declination J2000
glon Galactic longitude
glat Galactic latitude
sgl Supergalactic longitude
sgb Supergalactic latitude
Ty RC3 numeric type code
objid SDSS objid
specid SDSS specid