Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
Dc75 | Preferred galaxy luminosity distance assuming H0=75 km/s/Mpc from multiple FP fits as function of group richness |
DMc75 | Preferred luminosity distance modulus H0=75 km/s/Mpc from multiple FP fits as function of group richness |
Dc100 | Preferred galaxy luminosity distance assuming H0=100 km/s/Mpc from multiple FP fits as function of group richness |
DMc100 | Prefered luminosity distance modulus H0=100 km/s/Mpc from multiple FP fits as function of group richness |
eDMc | Uncertainty in preferred distance modulus from multiple FP fits as function of group richness |
DM100 | Luminosity distance modulus H0=100 km/s/Mpc from a single fit to full sample |
eDM | Uncertainty in distance modulus from a single fit to full sample |
logDc | Preferred: Mean log distance ratio from multiple FP fits as function of group richness |
elogDc | Standard deviation in log distance ratio, multiple FP fits |
skewc | Alpha parameter of skew-normal pdf, multiple FP fits |
logD | Mean log distance ratio from a single fit to full sample |
elogD | Standard deviation in log distance ratio, single fit |
skew | Alpha parameter of skew-normal pdf, single FP fit |
czh | Heliocentric velocity |
eczh | Error in heliocentric velocity |
czcmb | Velocity in CMB frame |
gczcmb | Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+17 group |
Nest | Nest ID from 2MASS group catalog of Tully 2015 |
1PGC | PGC ID of dominant galaxy in Nest |
IDt17 | Group ID in Tempel+17 SDSS DR10 group catalog |
Ngt17 | Number of galaxies in Tempel+17 group |
J2000 | RA & dec J2000 in hours, min, sec, °, min, sec |
Ra | Right ascension J2000 in degrees |
Dec | Declination J2000 in degrees |
glon | Galactic longitude |
glat | Galactic latitude |
sgl | Supergalactic longitude |
sgb | Supergalactic latitude |
gmag | SDSS g magnitude, de Vaucouleurs fit |
egmag | Error on SDSS g magnitude |
rmag | SDSS r magnitude, de Vaucouleurs fit |
ermag | Error on SDSS r magnitude |
rad | r-band angular radius, de vaucouleurs fit |
erad | Error on r-band angular radius, de vaucouleurs fit |
boa | r-band axial ratio, de Vaucouleurs fit |
eboa | Error in r-band axial ratio, de Vaucouleurs fit |
Exg | Milky Way extinction in g band from Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011) |
Exr | Milky Way extinction in r band from Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011) |
kcg | k-correction at g band from Chilingarian 2014 using g-r colors |
kcr | k-correction at r band from Chilingarian 2014 using g-r colors |
Mr | Absolute magnitude, accounting for k-correction, evolution, and Galactic extinction |
sig | Velocity dispersion from Portsmouth catalog (Thomas+13) |
esig | Error on velocity dispersion from Portsmouth catalog (Thomas+13) |
M | Galaxy morphology: 0=unclear; 1=spiral; 2=elliptical (Tempel+14) |
In | 1: in SDSS_NYU VAGC DR7 footprint; 0: outside footprint |
Bar_N | Number density at galay location per (Mpc/h)^3 |
r | r=log R_e where R_e is the intrinsic effective radius in kpc/h derived from the angular effective radius: rad |
er | Uncertainty in r |
i | i=log I_e where I_e is the mean surface brightness within the angular effective radius (see Eq 8 & 9 in Said+20) in L_sun/pc^2 |
ei | Uncertainty in s |
s | s=log sigma_0 where sigma_0 is the central velocity dispersion in km/s |
es | Uncertainty in i |
Sn | Weight given galaxy in fundamental plane fit |
objid | SDSS objid |
specid | SDSS specid |
plate | SDSS spectroscopic plate number |
pgc | PGC number |
UGC_AGC | UGC or AGC name |
Name | Common name |
Inc | Inclination from face on; assumes edge-on thickness q0=0.13 |
Vcmb | Velocity in CMB frame |
Vrot | Corrected rotational velocity from HI line width at 50% of total flux |
T | RC3 morphological type |
Re | Half-light radius based on total extrapolated i-band luminosity |
R23.5 | Radius at i-band 23.5 mag/arcsec^2 isophote |
Rd | Exponential disk scale length |
m_ext | Total i-band apparent magnitude extrapolated to infinity |
m_23.5 | Apparent magnitude within R23.5 |
m_2.2 | Apparent magnitude within 2.2Rd of surface brightness profile; -100 for failures |
mu0 | Corrected central surface brightness |
mue | Corrected effective surface brightness |
g-r | Color g-r from extrapolated magnitudes |
g-i | Color g-i from extrapolated magnitudes |
C28 | Light concentration: C28 = 5log(R80/R20) where R20 and R80 enclose 20% and 80% of the extrapolated i-band light |
M_HI | Log neutral Hydrogen gas mass |
M_star | Log stellar mass from extrapolated i-band luminosity and mass-to-light prescription in Hall et al. |
M_bar | Log baryonic mass: M_bar = M_star + 1.4M_HI |
M_tot | Log total mass within R23.5 |
RA+DecJ | Right Ascension and Declination, epoch J2000 |
Glon | Galactic longitude |
Glat | Galactic latitude |
SGL | Supergalactic longitude |
SGB | Supergalactic latitude |
lgD25 | Log diameter at blue 25 mag/arcsec^2 from RC3 |
lgR25 | Log major/minor axial ratio at blue 25 mag/arcsec^2 from RC3 |
BT | Blue magnitude in RC3 |
IT | I magnitude in RC3 |
Ag | Galactic extinction at B band from RC3 |
pgc | PGC number |
logD | Log distance ratio with respect to a fiducial distance cz/H_fiducial |
elogD | Error in log distance ratio |
skew | Log distance ratio skewness |
logDc | Corrected (Howlett & Said 2021) log distance ratio with respect to a fiducial distance cz/H_fiducial |
elogDc | Error in corrected log distance ratio |
cz | Velocity in CMB frame |
gcz | Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group |
V3kg | Velocity of 1PGC group in CMB frame |
V3kt14 | Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group |
Nest | Nest ID from 2MASS group catalog of Tully 2015 |
1PGC | PGC ID of dominant galaxy in Nest |
IDt14 | Group ID in Tempel+14 SDSS DR10 group catalog |
Ngt14 | Number of galaxies in Tempel+14 group |
J2000 | Right ascension & declination J2000 in hours, minutes, seconds and degrees, minutes seconds |
Ra | Right ascension J2000 in degrees |
Dec | Declination J2000 in degrees |
glon | Galactic longitude |
glat | Galactic latitude |
sgl | Galactic longitude |
sgb | Galactic latitude |
r | r=log R_e where R_e is the intrinsic effective radius in kpc/h derived from the angular effective radius theta_0 |
er | Uncertainty in r |
s | s=log sigma_0 where sigma_0 is the central velocity dispersion in km/s |
es | Uncertainty in s |
i | i=log I_e where I_e is the mean surface brightness within the angular effective radius (see Eq 8 & 9 in Said+20) in L_sun/pc^2 |
ei | Uncertainty in i |
kcor | r-band k-correction from Chilingarian (2014) using g-r colors |
ext | r-band Galactic extinction from Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011) |
rmag | SDSS r magnitude |
gmag | SDSS g magnitude |
snr | Signal/noise ratio of SDSS r magnitude |
In | 1: in SDSS_NYU VAGC DR7 footprint; 0: outside footprint |
Bar_N | Number density per (Mpc/h)^3 |
M | Galaxy morphology: 0=unclear; 1=spiral; 2=elliptical (Tempel 2014) |
jrl | Visual classification: 0=spiral, 1=elliptical |
pel | GalaxyZoo probability of being an elliptical galaxy; -1=unknown |
nvot | Number of GalaxyZoo votes used to determine p_el |
objid | SDSS objid |
specid | SDSS specid |
pgc | PGC number |
logD | Log distance ratio with respect to a fiducial distance cz/H_fiducial |
elogD | Error in log distance ratio |
skew | Log distance ratio skewness |
logDc | Corrected (Howlett & Said 2021) log distance ratio with respect to a fiducial distance cz/H_fiducial |
elogDc | Error in corrected log distance ratio |
cz | Velocity in CMB frame |
gcz | Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group |
V3kg | Velocity of 1PGC group in CMB frame |
V3kt14 | Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group |
Nest | Nest ID from 2MASS group catalog of Tully 2015 |
1PGC | PGC ID of dominant galaxy in Nest |
IDt14 | Group ID in Tempel+14 SDSS DR10 group catalog |
Ngt14 | Number of galaxies in Tempel+14 group |
J2000 | RA & dec J2000 in hours, min, sec, °, min, sec |
Ra | Right ascension J2000 in degrees |
Dec | Declination J2000 in degrees |
glon | Galactic longitude |
glat | Galactic latitude |
sgl | Supergalactic longitude |
sgb | Supergalactic latitude |
r | r=log R_e where R_e is the intrinsic effective radius in kpc/h derived from the angular effective radius theta_0 |
er | Uncertainty in r |
s | s=log sigma_0 where sigma_0 is the central velocity dispersion in km/s |
es | Uncertainty in s |
i | i=log I_e where I_e is the mean surface brightness within the angular effective radius (see Eq 8 & 9 in Said+20) in L_sun/pc^2 |
ei | Uncertainty in i |
kcor | r-band k-correction from Chilingarian (2014) using g-r colors |
ext | r-band Galactic extinction from Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011) |
rmag | SDSS r magnitude |
gmag | SDSS g magnitude |
snr | Signal/noise ratio of SDSS r magnitude |
In | 1: in SDSS_NYU VAGC DR7 footprint; 0: outside footprint |
Bar_N | Number density per (Mpc/h)^3 |
M | Galaxy morphology: 0=unclear; 1=spiral; 2=elliptical (Tempel 2014) |
jrl | Visual classification: 0=spiral, 1=elliptical |
pel | GalaxyZoo probability of being an elliptical galaxy; -1=unknown |
nvot | Number of GalaxyZoo votes used to determine p_el |
objid | SDSS objid |
specid | SDSS specid |
pgc | PGC number |
Nest | Nest ID from 2MASS group catalog of Tully 2015 |
1PGC | PGC ID of dominant galaxy in Nest |
V3kg | Velocity of 1PGC group in CMB frame |
IDt14 | Group ID in Tempel+14 SDSS DR10 group catalog |
Ngt14 | Number of galaxies in Tempel+14 group |
V3kt14 | Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group |
cz | Velocity in CMB frame |
gcz | Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group |
r | r=log R_e where R_e is the intrinsic effective radius in kpc derived from the angular effective radius theta_0 |
er | Uncertainty in r |
s | s=log sigma_0 where sigma_0 is the central velocity dispersion in km/s |
es | Uncertainty in s |
i | i=log I_e where I_e is the mean surface brightness within the angular effective radius (see Eq 8 & 9 in Said+20) in L_sun/pc^2 |
ei | Uncertainty in i |
rmag | SDSS r magnitude |
snr | Signal/noise ratio of SDSS r magnitude |
logD | Log distance ratio with respect to a fiducial distance cz/H_fiducial |
elogD | Error in log distance ratio |
skew | Log distance ratio skewness |
Bar_N | Number density per (Mpc/h)^3 |
In | 1: in SDSS_NYU VAGC DR7 footprint; 0: outside footprint |
Ra | Right ascension J2000 in degrees |
Dec | Declination J2000 in degrees |
j2000 | Right ascension and declination J2000 |
glon | Galactic longitude |
glat | Galactic latitude |
sgl | Supergalactic longitude |
sgb | Supergalactic latitude |
Ty | RC3 numeric type code |
M | Galaxy morphology: 0=unclear; 1=spiral; 2=elliptical |
Z | Galaxy zoo morphology: 0=unclear; 1=spiral; 2=elliptical |
pE | Probability early type (2011A&A,525,A157) |
pS0 | Probability S0 (2011A&A,525,A157) |
pSa | Probability Sab (2011A&A,525,A157) |
pSc | Probability Scd (2011A&A,525,A157) |
objid | SDSS objid |
specid | SDSS specid |
pgc | PGC number |
Nest | Nest ID from 2MASS group catalog of Tully 2015 |
1PGC | PGC ID of dominant galaxy in Nest |
V3kg | Velocity of 1PGC group in CMB frame |
IDt14 | Group ID in Tempel+14 SDSS DR10 group catalog |
Ngt14 | Number of galaxies in Tempel+14 group |
V3kt14 | Velocity in CMB frame of Tempel+14 group |
r | r=log R_e where R_e is the intrinsic effective radius in kpc derived from the angular effective radius theta_0 |
er | Uncertainty in r |
s | s=log sigma_0 where sigma_0 is the central velocity dispersion in km/s |
es | Uncertainty in s |
i | i=log I_e where I_e is the mean surface brightness within the angular effective radius (see Eq 8 & 9 in Said+20) in L_sun/pc^2 |
ei | Uncertainty in i |
V | Velocity in CMB frame given by Said+20 |
j2000 | Right ascension and declination J2000 |
glon | Galactic longitude |
glat | Galactic latitude |
sgl | Supergalactic longitude |
sgb | Supergalactic latitude |
Ty | RC3 numeric type code |
objid | SDSS objid |
specid | SDSS specid |