Column information for the table: Springob/Cornell HI
Table Description: Christopher M. Springob Martha P. Haynes Riccardo Giovanelli and Brian R. Kent; A Digital Archive of HI 21 cm Line Spectra of Optically-Targeted Galaxies 2005 ApJS 160 149
pgc PGC number
AGCUGC/Profile Cornell University Digital HI Archive identifier; click to see profile
objname2 Other name
Dmaj Blue major diameter
Dmin Blue minor diameter
T Morphological type code
Fobs Observed line flux
Fc Corrected line flux
FHIc Self-absorption corrected line flux
e_FHIc Uncertainty in FHIc
RMS The RMS noise per channel
SNR Ratio of peak flux to rms noise
Vhel Heliocentric velocity of the profile midpoint
W_F50 W_F50_ algorithm uncorrected velocity width
W_M50 W_M50_ algorithm uncorrected velocity width
W_P50 W_P50_ algorithm uncorrected velocity width
W_P20 W_P20_ algorithm uncorrected velocity width
W_2P50 W_2P50_ algorithm uncorrected velocity width
Wc Corrected velocity width
e_Wc Error in WC (1)
Tele Code indicating the telescope used (2)
DelF Bandwidth of spectrum
Chan Number of channels in spectrum
Code Quality codes
al2000 Right Ascention (J2000)
de2000 Declination (J2000)