Column | Description |
pgc | PGC number |
AGCUGC/Profile | Cornell University Digital HI Archive identifier; click to see profile |
objname2 | Other name |
Dmaj | Blue major diameter |
Dmin | Blue minor diameter |
T | Morphological type code |
Fobs | Observed line flux |
Fc | Corrected line flux |
FHIc | Self-absorption corrected line flux |
e_FHIc | Uncertainty in FHIc |
RMS | The RMS noise per channel |
SNR | Ratio of peak flux to rms noise |
Vhel | Heliocentric velocity of the profile midpoint |
W_F50 | W_F50_ algorithm uncorrected velocity width |
W_M50 | W_M50_ algorithm uncorrected velocity width |
W_P50 | W_P50_ algorithm uncorrected velocity width |
W_P20 | W_P20_ algorithm uncorrected velocity width |
W_2P50 | W_2P50_ algorithm uncorrected velocity width |
Wc | Corrected velocity width |
e_Wc | Error in WC (1) |
Tele | Code indicating the telescope used (2) |
DelF | Bandwidth of spectrum |
Chan | Number of channels in spectrum |
Code | Quality codes |
al2000 | Right Ascention (J2000) |
de2000 | Declination (J2000) |