Cosmicflows-3 Distance–Velocity Calculator(distances less than 400 Mpc)

This tool is featured in Kourkchi et al. 2020, AJ, 159, 67 (arXiv:1912.07214).

It computes expectation distances or velocities based on smoothed velocity field from the Wiener filter model of Graziani et al. 2019.

Click here for acknowledgments.

*  Indicates required field
SGL [deg]
SGB [deg]
Cone [deg]

  Coordinate system


If you have a long list of objects
visit the Query tab or
Click here to use the API
  SGL= 102.0   SGB= -2.0















  • Sky position, galactic, supergalactic, or equatorial (J2000 as 360° decimal) in degrees.


  • Cone (degrees) [default 10°]; plot data points within this cone angle.
  • Distance (Mpc); returns model velocity in km/s.
  • Velocity (km/s); returns model distance(s) in Mpc – potentially more than one value.


  • Model distance – velocity curve (blue) is derived from interpolation of velocities on a grid of distances with grid intervals of 6.25 Mpc. The value at each point is averaged over the 8 nearest grid points weighted by the inverse square of separation.
  • Pause cursor over blue curve for distance and velocity information at chosen location.
  • Pause cursor over data points for extra information.


  • Top panel: Observed velocity, Vls, vs. distance. Bottom panel: Cosmologically adjusted velocity, Vcls, vs. distance. The corrected velocity Vcls is related to the observed velocity Vls by:
    V_{ls}^c = f(z)V_{ls}


    f(z) = 1+1/2(1-q_0)z-1/6(2-q_0-3q_0^2)z^2

    q_0 = 1/2(\Omega_m-2\Omega_{\Lambda}) = -0.595

     when\Omega_m=0.27 and \Omega_{\Lambda}=0.73 and z=V_{ls}/c.

  • In both panels, symbols of differing sizes correspond to different masses of the associated elements: large brown circles if mass greater than 1014M, smaller red circles if mass is between 1013 and 1014M, and black plus signs if mass is below 1013M.
  • PGC1 is the Principal Galaxies Catalog identification of the brightest member of the group contributing to the data point
  • The H0=75 dashed line is only for reference.

How to acknowledge this work

Cosmicflows-3 Distance–Velocity Calculator

*Coordinate System:
Equatorial (J2000)

*Input Parameter:
Distance [Mpc]
Velocity [km/s]
List of objects:

1st column: longitude [deg]
2nd column: latitude [deg]
3rd column: distance [Mpc] or velocity [km/s]

Maximum number of entries per query: 500
To create more complicated queries please use the API.

Upload table:

  file size limit: 500 KB

*Either copy your input table in the text box or upload it as a file.

The output table will be automatically downloaded in csv format.
Cosmicflows-3 Distance–Velocity Calculator